Cannes for Free!

Right in time for the week­end… Work­ing in part­ner­ship with Stel­la Artois, is now fea­tur­ing a selec­tion of its favorite films that have played at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val.

The line­up, includ­ing many prize win­ners, fea­tures movies by Fed­eri­co Felli­ni (Amar­cord), Wong Kar-wai (Hap­py Togeth­er), Michelan­ge­lo Anto­nioni (L’avven­tu­ra), Jacques Tati (Mon oncle), and oth­ers. There are nine movies in total, filmed between 1958 and 2008. And they’re free until June. These films should be avail­able world­wide, but reg­is­tra­tion is required. Kick back and start watch­ing here.

For more great clas­sics, see our col­lec­tion of Free Movies Online.

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  • Alex Levy says:

    Seem to be lots of good films on that “auteurs” site, but it seems that you can only watch one :-( Is that real­ly the case, or am I miss­ing some­thing?

  • I’m from The Auteurs. We are show­ing at least 6 past Cannes films for free in every coun­try spon­sored by Stel­la Artois, though the exact selec­tion varies from coun­try to coun­try due to the com­plex­i­ty of film rights.

    As for the total num­ber of films you can watch on the site, that ranges from about 200–500 depend­ing on the coun­try but is expand­ing rapid­ly. Most films are not cur­rent­ly free, though our goal is to make a lot more of them free over time. You can see what we have avail­able to view in what­ev­er coun­try you hap­pen to be in by vis­it­ing

  • Stephen T. says:

    Its Nifty how they have Stel­la Artois back­ing them up.

  • samasamon says:

    What­ev­er is free. I like it.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.