10 Reasons iPad Will Not Kill Kindle

Caveat: before half of you get your shorts in a bunch, tomor­row’s post will be: Top 10 Rea­sons Why iPad Means Kin­dle Is Dead. With that said, have at it!

10.) Tak­ing read­ing from a sim­ple print­ed page to an e‑book envi­ron­ment such as the Kin­dle is a great step for­ward. Its ease of use, porta­bil­i­ty and stor­age are ide­al for read­ers. No more inno­va­tions need­ed!

9.) The enjoy­ment of read­ing has always tak­en place with­in a reader’s mind. This is both why read­ing is great and why the words on the page don’t need to be in flashy col­ors or fea­ture fan­cy graph­ics.

8.)  Added cost of iPad and $30/month fee for 3G from AT&T (the real­is­tic cost) make Kin­dle a bet­ter deal. Enough said.

7.) Every­one hates AT&T, their 3G ser­vice is spot­ty at best, and NO ONE who’s buy­ing a 3G iPad will use less than 250MB a month, so the $14.95 price point for 3G is use­less!

6.) Glare/e‑ink. You can always read dur­ing the day­time with your Kin­dle. Take it to the beach, read in broad day­light. e‑ink is sim­ply eas­i­er on read­ers’ eyes than back-lit pix­els.

5.) There’s no need for a device that fits between lap­top and smart phone. Both are extreme­ly portable and serve dif­fer­ent pur­pos­es. If I want to curl up in bed with a movie or the web, I can use my lap­top for that already. If I want to curl up in bed and read, I can use my Kin­dle!

4.) Apps! That’s right: The new open­ing up of Amazon’s Kin­dle for­mat to app devel­op­ers will mean a lot more ver­sa­til­i­ty on the device. Once a few folks come along and devel­op email clients or web browsers for the Kin­dle, Kin­dle will become even more use­ful as a poten­tial smart phone substitute—the niche that iPad seems intent on fill­ing.

3.) The new price-shar­ing announce­ment (70% publisher/30% Ama­zon) for Ama­zon’s Dig­i­tal Text Plat­form (DTP) makes Kin­dle more attrac­tive once again to all the pow­ers that be in pub­lish­ing. If they can get this pesky text-to-speech bat­tle cleared up, things will be even bet­ter.

2.) Big pub­lish­ing is cur­rent­ly doing so much of their sales through Ama­zon, that they might be afraid to car­ry busi­ness over to Apple. Sure, they will sell books there, but keep in mind that Apple might have to keep prices in the iBook store high­er than at Ama­zon.

1.) “I love my Kin­dle!” –Seri­ous­ly, a lot of read­ers are devot­ed to these devices, includ­ing me. I’ve found a nice cov­er that makes the Kin­dle easy to hold. I real­ly like the ease of buying/storing books on it. And I just want a plain, sim­ple device to use for read­ing.

The opin­ions expressed above are not nec­es­sar­i­ly those of Open Cul­ture or the author.

Up next (tomor­row): Top 10 Rea­sons Why iPad Means Kin­dle is Dead

Seth Har­wood is a vora­cious read­er, sub­ver­sive pub­lish­ing maven and crime nov­el­ist. His next book Young Junius will be avail­able from Tyrus Books this fall. He’s sure to have some crazy pro­mo­tions going at his site this spring as well.

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  • Jerry Brooksj says:

    I have been using the Sony E read­er 600 touch screen and find it to be an out­stand­ing read­ing device…and I like it bet­ter than the Kin­dle because I have more con­trol over the con­tent in being able to use my pc to down­load e books from my pub­lic library and all of the oth­er free e book sites.….as well as buy­ing if I want..so I guess I agree with the Kin­dle lover about the need for and Ipad.

  • Seth Harwood says:

    So you’re say­ing you DON’T need an iPad?


  • Keith Nisbet says:

    A thought on two of your points re: Why iPad will not dis­place Kin­dle. It is my under­stand­ing that using WiFi which many have these days, it won’t be nec­es­sary to use an expen­sive 3G data plan for access to con­tent. Plen­ty of down­load­ing and buy­ing can be done from home wifi or from free access in cafes or oth­er hotspots. Very con­ve­nient.

  • As one who fol­lows the soft­ware and hard­ware mar­ket pro­fes­sion­al­ly I have to say that the first thing I said after spend­ing about 10 min­utes with a Kin­dle was that it was going to be so much bet­ter when Apple final­ly did it. Once you are used to a touch screen it is so hard to go back to lit­tle but­tons on the side unless you are a Black­ber­ry addict. Have you ever tried to read a Kin­dle on plane when it turns out you got the seat with­out the work­ing over­head light? It’s worse than a book under those cir­cum­stances. As an edu­ca­tor and par­ent of a dyslex­ic son I also can’t wait to see what the iPad is going to do for dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed instruc­tion since it seems to be such a for­eign con­cept to most teach­ers.

  • Seth Harwood says:

    Good points! Thanks for your respons­es.
    Diane, yes: Although I do love my Kin­dle, I’ve often found the but­tons to be mis­placed for my fin­gers, incon­ve­nient­ly locat­ed, and I always want to use the left one to go back a page when search­ing. It takes me a while every time to remem­ber I want the UPPER left but­ton here.
    Very non-intu­itive.

    There’s also a real prob­lem with the Kindle’s destruc­tion of page num­bers.


  • Juni says:

    Cool stuff .….….…

  • Bole says:

    Diane: if you spent only 10 min­utes with Kin­dle , your opin­ion about but­tons is worth­less… Seth: if you use your Kin­dle to read books 10 min. once a month, OF COURSE you will have prob­lems with but­tons …
    Read more, and every­thing will be INTUITIVE for you .

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