Rod SerÂling, the AmerÂiÂcan screenÂwriter & teleÂviÂsion proÂducÂer best known for The TwiÂlight Zone, fieldÂed quesÂtions from stuÂdents about the whole art of writÂing for teleÂviÂsion. In the clip above, he gives a rather draÂmatÂic response to the quesÂtion, “Where do ideas come from?” (They come from the Earth… They’re in the air. And, to put them on paper, you bleed!) If you keep watchÂing, the conÂverÂsaÂtion with SerÂling conÂtinÂues for a good while.
This conÂtriÂbuÂtion was sent to us by Elan, who dates the clip to around 1972. You can always write us and sugÂgest a link here.
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Ideas… are where all progress begins, and where the creÂative process calls Home…
The AmerÂiÂcan Way…
CopyÂright 2009 Michael GibÂbowr
Ideas and opinÂions are a dime a dozen
Seems someone’s always got someÂthing to say
Pick the topÂic and you’ll hear a rant
Seems thoughts are no longer held at bay
Use to be there’d be some subÂstance
In conÂverÂsaÂtion and disÂserÂtaÂtion
But now all too often what we hear
Is hardÂly worth our conÂtemÂplaÂtion
So let’s say we kick it up a notch
And conÂverse on real HealthÂcare Reform
Not exchangÂing rhetoric
But actionÂable ideas outÂside the norm
Let’s say we disÂcuss NationÂal Debt
And pracÂtiÂcal meaÂsures for EcoÂnomÂic StaÂbilÂiÂty
Not get caught-up in anothÂer blame game
But comÂmon sense soluÂtions that hold up to ConÂstiÂtuÂtionÂalÂiÂty
Let’s say we look at ImmiÂgraÂtion
WithÂout the bias of either side
And get back to issues of NationÂal SecuÂriÂty
While restorÂing NationÂal Pride
Let’s say we exchange RatioÂnal Ideas
That enable the “WorkÂing Class”
Start holdÂing WashÂingÂton AccountÂable
And make them RepÂreÂsent what “The PeoÂple” want at last
Yes, ideas and opinÂions when Expressed IntelÂliÂgiÂbly
Speak loudÂer than Rhetoric’s’s IrraÂtionalÂiÂty
And sure, being PasÂsionÂate about our Views Is Good
But let’s say we present “OpinÂions” as we should…
Clear and ConÂcise…
Open to ReaÂsonÂable and RatioÂnal Debate
WithÂout the ParÂtiÂsan Guile
DisÂreÂspect and IdeÂoÂlogÂiÂcal Hate
Let’s say we Say What We Mean
And actuÂalÂly Mean What We Say
Doing it with VigÂor and Respect
Focused on SoluÂtions… The AmerÂiÂcan Way…
You’re welÂcome.
LisÂten, When I Think Of Rod SerÂling, He Will Break My Heart.