Here’s some vinÂtage Richard Dawkins. Back in 1991, the Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty biolÂoÂgist preÂsentÂed a series of lecÂtures for the RoyÂal InstiÂtuÂtion. In the very first lecÂture (preÂsentÂed above), Dawkins forces his audiÂence to conÂfront some big quesÂtions. (What’s the oriÂgin of life? Where do we fall in the scheme of life on planÂet Earth? What’s our role in the largÂer uniÂverse? etc.) And he reminds us that we’re extremeÂly privÂiÂleged to have the brains and tools (nameÂly, reaÂson and sciÂence) to make sense of the aweÂsome wonÂders that surÂround us. We’ve evolved and grown up, he says. We don’t need superÂstiÂtion and the superÂnatÂurÂal to explain it all. We just need ourÂselves and our faith in sciÂence and its methÂods. It’s clasÂsic Dawkins.
The 55-minute talk is now added to our YouTube favorites, and we’ve also added Dawkins’ YouTube ChanÂnel to our colÂlecÂtion of IntelÂliÂgent YouTube ChanÂnels.
Dawkins may conÂtend that “[w]e don’t need superÂstiÂtion and the superÂnatÂurÂal to explain it all.” But he also conÂcedes — as he must — that sciÂence is also incaÂpable of explainÂing it all. He apparÂentÂly believes, howÂevÂer, that someÂday sciÂence will be able to do so. That seems as much an artiÂcle of “faith” as those who believe in the “superÂstiÂtions” Dawkins takes so much pleaÂsure in deridÂing.
Late to the parÂty…
ReflectÂing on the future may be “an artiÂcle of faith” but it does NOT reflect upon the manÂner in which the sciÂences reveal the uniÂverse around us. A manÂner which is cerÂtainÂly not rootÂed in superÂstiÂtions.
So, DawkÂin’s deridÂing is quite safe while his belief in the sciÂenÂtifÂic methodÂ’s abilÂiÂty is based upon a stronger founÂdaÂtion than faith; it is based upon the advances in Human knowlÂedge detailed in any hisÂtoÂry or sciÂence book.
BelievÂing a supÂpoÂsiÂtion (sciÂence will explain all mysÂterÂies) is believÂing what has not been proven and so is belief based on faith. If Dawkins or anyÂone asserts this, that is a stateÂment of faith only. It is conÂtrary to logÂic to state othÂerÂwise.