T.S. Eliot’s 1922 poem, The Waste Land, is often considered one of the great poems of the 20th century. Above, you can listen to Eliot himself reading his modernist masterpiece (text here). And, if you want more, how about Eliot reading The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, another major work, against the backdrop of Portishead? Sacrilege, I know.
You can find both poems in our extensive Free Audio Book collection, which contains hundreds of classic works. Fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. It’s all there, and all free.
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A good find. One to treasure. Thank u
Best wishes.
Elliot’s reading is the worst, authors rarely
recite their own works well. Try to find an
old copy of Robert Speight reading Elliot.
His poerty comes alive with the right
narrator. It’s sonically powerful as well as
scholarly. Otherwise I think we’re in rats’
alley where the dead men lost their bones.