NewÂly launched: The ShakeÂspeare QuarÂtos Archive is a new digÂiÂtal colÂlecÂtion that feaÂtures pre-1642 ediÂtions of William ShakeÂspeare’s plays. Here, for examÂple, you will find rare earÂly ediÂtions of HamÂlet, includÂing all 32 existÂing quarÂto copies of the play in one place. An online first. Thanks JereÂmy for the tip…
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
PlaÂgiaÂrism SoftÂware DisÂcovÂers New ShakeÂspeare Play
Free ShakeÂspeare on the iPhone
Goethe and ShakeÂspeare on Google
What Did ShakeÂspeare RealÂly Look Like
My pleaÂsure! I JUST found this and am lookÂing forÂward to digÂging through it.