This American Life Demystifies the American Healthcare System

When the glob­al finan­cial sys­tem col­lapsed last year, This Amer­i­can Life and its sis­ter pro­gram, Plan­et Mon­ey (iTunes — RSS Feed — Web Site) began doing some­thing that few oth­ers could pull off. They took very com­plex prob­lems and made them under­stand­able, often demys­ti­fy­ing dif­fi­cult con­cepts in a reli­ably engag­ing way. Now, they’re at it again. This time, they’re break­ing down the Amer­i­can health­care sys­tem and get­ting at the core ques­tion. Why can’t we con­trol ever-ris­ing health­care costs? That’s what the rag­ing health­care debate is effec­tive­ly all about. And, if you want to be an informed par­tic­i­pant in the debate, it’s worth lis­ten­ing to these two episodes that tease things out. The first episode, called More is Less, looks at doc­tors, patients, insur­ance com­pa­nies and their tan­gled rela­tion­ship. (Click here, then scroll down and find the “Full Episode” icon.) The sec­ond episode, Some­one Else’s Mon­ey, gets you inside the world of drug and insur­ance com­pa­nies and patients. Have a lis­ten, and thanks to Bob in Brook­lyn for the tip here.

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  • I think it is extreme­ly rel­e­vant and impor­tant to under­stand more than
    that the US is ranked #37 in the world, espe­cial­ly if you argue that
    this rank­ing is indica­tive of the qual­i­ty of health caqre.
    If you haven’t had a chance to look at how the rank­ings are derived then I would rec­om­mend you do so.
    Per­son­al­ly, I am not con­vinced that dis­abil­i­ty adjust­ed life
    expectan­cy is an accu­rate mea­sure of health care qual­i­ty. I think it
    may reflect health sta­tus, but not qual­i­ty of care.
    BR, Joann Ream­er, Expert Clin­i­cal Man­ag­er Jobs from clin­i­cal research jobs

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