There’s no sound, and the clip only runs 20 secÂonds. But this is the only known footage of Anne Frank, and it’s now online. The Anne Frank House does a good job of setÂting the scene for the video takÂen on July 22, 1941. “The girl next door is getÂting marÂried. Anne Frank is leanÂing out of the winÂdow of her house in AmsÂterÂdam to get a good look at the bride and groom… At the time of her wedÂding, the bride lived on the secÂond floor at MerÂwedeÂplein 39. The Frank famÂiÂly lived at numÂber 37, also on the secÂond floor. The Anne Frank House can offer you this film footage thanks to the coopÂerÂaÂtion of the couÂple.” Find more videos on YouTube’s Anne Frank ChanÂnel.
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Sad to see such a vibrant young soul who would not make it but is loved by milÂlions of us.
Aww,I just cant belive that actuÂalÂly happened.And to such a inocent young girl.Anne Frank is one of my heros the reaÂson is becase of she was always hapÂpy in the annex.She didÂnt let the thought of death let her down.She was also a very pretÂty girl,reminds me of my friend Jade.
Wait, that is cerÂtainÂly exactÂly what it realÂly is about? I couldÂn’t recÂogÂnize we would basiÂcalÂly have to do almost any do the job. I am just away from this kind of thing
At least we have someÂthing with her there! :) This is great.
AmazÂing! She was and still is a hero to me!
i am from Ethiopia i got the AmharÂic transÂlaÂtion of Anne frank diary its so heart breakÂing but beauÂtiÂful full of life and inspiÂraÂtional .… though i believe God has a purÂpose… WHAT WE HUMANS LEARN FROM THIS THE GOOD AND THE BAD ONE !
oh what ever my her soul rest in piece
i am from Ethiopia i got the AmharÂic transÂlaÂtion of Anne frank diary its so heart breakÂing but beauÂtiÂful full of life and inspiÂraÂtional .… though i believe God has a purÂpose… WHAT WE HUMANS LEARN FROM THIS THE GOOD AND THE BAD ONE !
oh what ever may her soul rest in piece
I travÂeled in Ethiopia last DecemÂber and recÂogÂnized Anne Frank’s phoÂto on the covÂer of an AmharÂic-lanÂguage book that was being sold on the street in Addis near the Red TerÂror MuseÂum — which had its own catÂaÂlog of horÂrors from the MengisÂtu era in Ethiopia. I, too, hope that humanÂiÂty can learn from its past — parÂticÂuÂlarÂly the bloody, ideÂolÂoÂgy-plagued 20th CenÂtuÂry — and “learn from this the good.”
A very sad time, in the hisÂtoÂry of this world. So much hate and, for what? This world is a very slow learnÂer. The pretÂty Ann Frank had to die, because of hate.
Sort of reminds me of MalalÂla who was shot because, she wants all female chilÂdren to be able to, go to school in peace and safeÂty.