For the past two years, StanÂford has been rolling out a series of coursÂes (colÂlecÂtiveÂly called ModÂern Physics: The TheÂoÂretÂiÂcal MinÂiÂmum) that gives you a baseÂline knowlÂedge for thinkÂing intelÂliÂgentÂly about modÂern physics. The sequence, which moves from Isaac NewÂton, to Albert Einstein’s work on the genÂerÂal and speÂcial theÂoÂries of relÂaÂtivÂiÂty, to black holes and string theÂoÂry, comes out of Stanford’s ConÂtinÂuÂing StudÂies proÂgram (my day job). And the coursÂes are all taught by Leonard Susskind, an imporÂtant physiÂcist who has engaged in a long runÂning “Black Hole War” with Stephen HawkÂing. The final course, StaÂtisÂtiÂcal MechanÂics, has now been postÂed on YouTube, and you can also find it on iTunes in video. The rest of the coursÂes can be accessed immeÂdiÂateÂly below. Six coursÂes. RoughÂly 120 hours of conÂtent. A comÂpreÂhenÂsive tour of modÂern physics. All in video. All free. Beat that.
ModÂern Physics: The TheÂoÂretÂiÂcal MinÂiÂmum
- ClasÂsiÂcal MechanÂics (Fall 2007) iTunes YouTube
- QuanÂtum MechanÂics (WinÂter 2008) iTunes YouTube
- SpeÂcial RelÂaÂtivÂiÂty (Spring 2008) iTunes YouTube
- EinÂstein’s GenÂerÂal TheÂoÂry of RelÂaÂtivÂiÂty (Fall 2009) iTunes YouTube
- CosÂmolÂoÂgy (WinÂter 2009) iTunes YouTube
- StaÂtisÂtiÂcal MechanÂics (Spring 2009) iTunes YouTube
PS If you live in the San FranÂcisÂco Bay Area, you should conÂsidÂer checkÂing out Prof. Susskind’s new course. It will take a yearÂlong look at new revÂoÂluÂtions in ParÂtiÂcle Physics, and how imporÂtant theÂoÂries will be testÂed by the Large Hadron ColÂlidÂer in Europe. His course begins next week. Learn more here.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Has Stephen HawkÂing Been Wrong For The Last 30 Years?
LearnÂing Physics Through Free Online CoursÂes
imagÂine if interÂnet, video camÂeras had been around when albert einÂstein, enriÂco ferÂmi, were alive.
we can see albert einÂstein lecÂture today
newÂton’s the guy i wanÂna talk to. inventÂing difÂferÂenÂtial eq’s and a good means to solve them (powÂer series), is pretÂty much our EVERYTHING.