File under LitÂerÂaÂture & Life…
in Life, Literature | June 26th, 2009 1 Comment
File under LitÂerÂaÂture & Life…
by OC | Permalink | Comments (1) |
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Mr. Roth may have touched on a bit of wisÂdom in that one minute remark. I am old enough to be sure he is right–the only thing goldÂen about these years is the t‑chest of memÂoÂries sharÂing time and attenÂtion with othÂers. MJ, my sole idol, if I had any in the arts, repÂreÂsentÂed porÂtrait of a man ‑yes, a man, McWhortÂer (see TNR), getÂting oldÂer as he was. What writÂers do so often is comÂment effuÂsiveÂly about what someÂone is or is not in AmerÂiÂca. Our nation is not a nation of manÂly men, rapÂpers, bariÂtones or falsetÂto voicÂes. It’s everyÂthing seen and unseen, heard and unheard. Does AmerÂiÂca have an idenÂtiÂty? Let’s be honÂest. We make up our lives as we go here and celÂeÂbrate preÂtense. If MJ epitÂoÂmized anyÂthing, it was that preÂtense, the fanÂtaÂsy of being whatÂevÂer he wantÂed to be. With no axe to grind, I have no judgeÂment againt my song and dance idol. Whether old age would have wore him well or wore him out, we’ll nevÂer know. But in anyÂthing that will remain of AmerÂiÂcana, he’ll be there.