The Evolution of Religions: A Talk by Jared Diamond

A good find by

Jared Dia­mond, the Pulitzer Prize-win­ning author of Guns, Germs & Steel (and Col­lapse: How Soci­eties Choose to Fail or Suc­ceed), offers a lec­ture at USC where he gets into the uni­ver­sal attrib­ut­es of reli­gions and their under­ly­ing adap­tive value/social pur­pose. The talk runs about 41 min­utes, fol­lowed by a long Q&A ses­sion.

For those look­ing for more aca­d­e­m­ic lec­tures, I should remind you of the recent launch of YouTube EDU and Aca­d­e­m­ic Earth, plus our large col­lec­tion of free uni­ver­si­ty cours­es.

via @kottkedotorg

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