In the past, I have writÂten about Yale’s best-of-breed Open Course iniÂtiaÂtive, which makes availÂable 15 free coursÂes. They’re all recordÂed in high qualÂiÂty video and can be downÂloaded in mulÂtiÂple forÂmats. You can access the full list here. SomeÂwhere along the line (I’m not sure exactÂly when), Yale made these coursÂes availÂable on a dedÂiÂcatÂed YouTube chanÂnel, which means that you have anothÂer way to access these fine offerÂings. Above, I’ve feaÂtured a lecÂture on Jack KerÂouac’s On the Road from a course called “The AmerÂiÂcan NovÂel Since 1945.” You can find all of these Yale coursÂes in our Free UniÂverÂsiÂty Course colÂlecÂtion. And, I’ve added the Yale YouTube chanÂnel to our list called IntelÂliÂgent YouTube ColÂlecÂtions.
RelatÂed ConÂtent:
StanÂford LaunchÂes YouTube ChanÂnel, Oprah Gives GradÂuÂaÂtion Speech
Kerouac’s “On the Road” Turns 50
The lecÂtures are so good! I can’t tell you how much David SwenÂson’s lecÂtures have benÂeÂfitÂed me! How I wish I can ask him quesÂtions…
I hope to help improve the qualÂiÂty of videos: In Robert Schiller’s finanÂcial lecÂtures the camÂcorder seemed to focus on Schiller’s back when Schiller was pointÂing to data proÂjectÂed on the board with lassÂer pen and talkÂing about those data, it’s frusÂtratÂing not to be able to see what’s on the board…Robert Schiller is a good-lookÂing genÂtleÂman but perÂhaps more screen time can be givÂen to the board?
i love Physics
I like the lecÂtures a lot but is it posÂsiÂble to improve the lightÂing on the
EuroÂpean CivÂiÂlizaÂtion, 1648–1945 (HIST 202) course from John MerÂriÂmane?
I hope to hear from you
With kind regards