The TED conference has featured several talks about creativity in recent years. Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) gave a little spiel about “creative genius” at this year’s conference. Before that, famed psychologist Mihaly Czikszentmihalyi spoke about the relationship between creativity and happiness. (It all boils down to “flow.”) And now we feature novelist Amy Tan (The Joy Luck Club), who locates the source of her own creativity, especially when writing, in her family history and big existential questions. The talk runs a good 24 minutes.
Amy Tan, is insightful and down to earth in her presentation… but what impressed me most was her inclination to question WHY… and to explore where ever that might take her. If you want to know how creativity works… you have to be willing to risk the unknown and be prepared to discover a Universe beyond your present state of mind. Creativity… begins, is nurtured, and finds expression in the question…
It’s Time…
Copyright 2008 Michael Gibbowr
Who am I ?
What is my Purpose in Life ?
Is there an Answer ?
What is it… ?
As to the First Question…
You are among the Most Unique Within Your Species
An Irreplaceable Specimen of Potentiality
Capable of The Most Consequential Achievements
Ever Conceived by Mortal Man
Secondly, You were Designed
With a Specific Thought in Mind
To Pursue Expression of What Resides In You
Not To Mimic Another’s Attributes
But To Discover Your Own Pursuits
To Do What It Is That You Do Best…
To Question, Challenge and Explore, an Unyielding Quest
To Look into The Looking Glass of Life
And Cut Through the B.S. like a Razor-Edged-Knife
Going Beyond the Perceptions of the Conventional View
To Reveal That To Yourself, You’ve Remained True…
And That In Its Entirety
Is What Purpose Has Intended For You To Pursue
Without Qualification
Paying The Price Required Of You
Thirdly, if up to now The Answer hasn’t been Clear
Pursuit of Your Personal Best means Facing Your Fears
In spite of Disappointments, Heartache or Tears
Yes, Purpose Requires Resilience From You
Giving Your All, In All That You Do
Fourth, and finely…
If You’re Courageous Enough To Stay The Course
You’ll Learn to Find Meaning
Amidst Celebration and Loss
You’ll Live Life On Purpose…
Knowing Your Purpose
Is Uniquely Your Own
With an Unsatisfied Satisfaction
In Having Ventured Beyond Your Comfort Zone
More Importantly, you’ll have Expressed Personal Gifts
As Only Your Perspective Befits
Who am I ?
What is my Purpose in Life ?
Is there an Answer ?
What is it… ?
Well, now you Know…
So off with You…
It’s Time to Do…
And Be…
And Grow…