PerÂhaps you’ve ponÂdered your own morÂtalÂiÂty. But have you ever imagÂined perÂishÂing as you fall into a black hole? ProbÂaÂbly not. But if you’re intrigued by this admitÂtedÂly unlikeÂly sceÂnario, then watch the clip above. Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astroÂphysiÂcist who heads up the HayÂden PlanÂeÂtarÂiÂum in NYC, breaks down the scene for you step-by-step and in a fairÂly humorÂous way. This talk is based on his well-reviewed book, Death by Black Hole: And OthÂer CosÂmic QuanÂdaries.
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EduÂcaÂtionÂal, InforÂmaÂtive at the same time humourous.….
ThanX open Culture<3
Very funny…my stuÂdents liked it as well.
This guy’s a fruit loop… plain and simÂple.
ExcelÂlent eduÂcaÂtionÂal and funÂny.
cool and humorÂous
he weird
Too eduÂcaÂtionÂal
Ikr lol
i want more indress
I like astronÂoÂmy
What hapÂpened