Allan Bloom, perÂhaps best rememÂbered for his conÂtroÂverÂsial bestÂseller The ClosÂing of the AmerÂiÂcan Mind, spent his career studyÂing and lecÂturÂing on the great books, writÂing extenÂsiveÂly on PlaÂto, ShakeÂspeare, Rousseau, Hegel and othÂers. PerÂhaps not terÂriÂbly surÂprisÂingÂly, some of his lecÂtures have popped up on YouTube. (What doesÂn’t evenÂtuÂalÂly pop up there?) The lecÂtures are actuÂalÂly audio recordÂings with some phoÂtos mixed in, and above we’ve postÂed the first in a series of lecÂtures on PlaÂto’s ApolÂoÂgy. The rest of the PlaÂto lecÂtures can be found here. The genÂerÂal colÂlecÂtion is here. And rememÂber, you can get hunÂdreds of free uniÂverÂsiÂty course here.
Via The DaiÂly Dish
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