As menÂtioned last week, StanÂford is hostÂing a five week course, The GeogÂraÂphy of US PresÂiÂdenÂtial ElecÂtions, that you can folÂlow (for free) in real time. The first video lecÂture is now availÂable on iTunes (downÂload here), and you can find it embedÂded below.
The first lecÂture is fast paced, and feaÂtures intriguÂing graphÂics that start to disÂmanÂtle the wideÂly held belief that the US can be neatÂly dividÂed into red and blue states. I will keep postÂing the lecÂtures as the course unfolds. In the meanÂtime, I’d recÂomÂmend visÂitÂing the course web site, and askÂing the proÂfesÂsor, MarÂtin Lewis, any quesÂtions you might have.
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