in Physics, Science | July 14th, 2008 4 Comments
by OC | Permalink | Comments (4) |
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Why physicists don’t say: ‘ potential mass/energy E=Mc^2’ ?
According to SRT rest mass and rest energy have equivalent
meaning: E= Mc^2 or M= Ec^2.
Why SRT and Quantum theory use word:’ rest mass /energy E= Mc^2 ‘
and don’t say: ‘ potential mass/energy E= Mc^2 ’ ?
When somebody says ‘ the particle in the rest . . .’, then we
can image that particle was going maybe to sleep, maybe
to have a cup of coffee . . . . etc.
That a strange terminology the physicists use.
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My opinion.
In Classic physics there is ‘ potential energy’ and
there is ‘ kinetic energy’.
And „The Law of Conservation and Transformation of
Energy/ Mass” connects them together.
In Quantum physics the ’rest mass/enegy’ looks as a static factor.
I think that there is problem here.
Because in QT there is ’rest mass/enegy E=Mc^2’ and
there is active / kinetic energy E=hf. But how „The Law of
Conservation and Transformation of Energy/ Mass“
can unite them together nobody explains.
In other words:
Dont know how to explain transforms the potenial
mass/enegy E=Mc^2 into the active / kinetic energy E=hf
the physicsts began to use new terminology and new words.
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Why physicists don’t say: ‘ potential mass/energy E=Mc^2’ ?
According to SRT rest mass and rest energy have equivalent
meaning: E= Mc^2 or M= Ec^2.
Why SRT and Quantum theory use word:’ rest mass /energy E= Mc^2 ‘
and don’t say: ‘ potential mass/energy E= Mc^2 ’ ?
When somebody says ‘ the particle in the rest . . .’, then we
can image that particle was going maybe to sleep, maybe
to have a cup of coffee . . . . etc.
That a strange terminology the physicists use.
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My opinion.
In Classic physics there is ‘ potential energy’ and
there is ‘ kinetic energy’.
And „The Law of Conservation and Transformation of
Energy/ Mass” connects them together.
In Quantum physics the ’rest mass/enegy’ looks as a static factor.
I think that there is problem here.
Because in QT there is ’rest mass/enegy E=Mc^2’ and
there is active / kinetic energy E=hf. But how „The Law of
Conservation and Transformation of Energy/ Mass“
can unite them together nobody explains.
In other words:
Dont know how to explain transforms the potenial
mass/enegy E=Mc^2 into the active / kinetic energy E=hf
the physicsts began to use new terminology and new words.
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[…] Einstein Explains His Famous Formula – Audio – Original […]
[…] from the late 1990s, and particularly the legendary TV commercial that featured 17 iconic figures: Albert Einstein, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King, Jr., Richard Branson, John Lennon, Buckminster Fuller, Thomas […]
Going back to the Einstein’s question.
In his Miracle 1905 Einstein wrote the Fourth paper:
“ On the Electrodynamics of moving Bodies.” ( SRT).
And as a postscript to his forth, the Fifth paper:
“ Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?”
Some months later he realized the answer :
‘ Yes, inertia depends on its energy E= Mc^2.
The Electrodynamics Bodies in inertial movement have
energy E= Mc^2 — ( hidden energy E= Mc^2)’
The same Einstein’s question in a little detail interpretation:
“Does the inertia of a body ( for example: of a light quanta
or of an electron) depend upon its energy content E=Mc^2 ?”
Thinking logically, the answer must be : Yes, it depends.
When new question arise:
How is possible to understand the connection
between E=Mc^2 and the ‘ inertia of a body’ ?
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Someone wrote to me:
“An old professor of mine used to say
that anyone who can answer that question
what inertia is , would win a Nobel Prize. “
! !
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik. Socratus
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Where does strange E= Mc^2 come from?
In 1905 Einstein asked:
“ Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy content?”
As he realized the answer was:
“ Yes, it depends on its energy E= Mc^2 ”
So, Einstein said that E= Mc^2 comes from inertia
2 -
In 1928 Dirac said that E= Mc^2 comes from vacuum
and can be as positive as negative too
3 -
Sometimes E= Mc^2 can have ‘rest’ parameter and
sometimes can be ‘active’ and can destroy cities like
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Why E= Mc^2 is so stange?
Nobody gives answer
Best wishes.
Israel Sadovnik Socratus
Signaecher: HIRH. 1Ti Wong Swee Loke
During our crossing, Einstein explained his theory
to me every day, and by the time we arrived I was fully
convinced he understood it.
/ Chaim Weizmann, 1921
after he escorted Einstein to the United States./