Smart video colÂlecÂtions keep appearÂing on YouTube. But rather antiÂthetÂiÂcal to the ethos of its parÂent comÂpaÂny (Google), YouTube unforÂtuÂnateÂly makes these colÂlecÂtions difÂfiÂcult to find. So we’ve decidÂed to do the job for them. These enriching/educational videos come from media outÂlets, culÂturÂal instiÂtuÂtions, uniÂverÂsiÂties and non-profÂits. There are about 70 colÂlecÂtions in total, and the list will grow over time. If we’re missÂing anyÂthing good, feel free to let us know, and we’ll hapÂpiÂly add them. You can find the comÂplete list below the jump.
Also, feel free to check out our YouTube playlist.
- @GoogleTalks
- Google has lots of famous visÂiÂtors speakÂing at its headÂquarÂters, and they’re all recordÂed and neatÂly preÂsentÂed here.
- Al Jazeera EngÂlish
- The MidÂdle EastÂern news serÂvice, which has genÂerÂatÂed its share of conÂtroÂverÂsy, now airs broadÂcasts in EngÂlish and presents them here.
- Amnesty InterÂnaÂtionÂal
- The leadÂing human rights orgaÂniÂzaÂtion brings you varÂiÂous videos outÂlinÂing human rights conÂcerns across the globe, and the work they’re doing to improve conÂdiÂtions.
- A series of videos proÂmotÂing proÂgrams comÂing out of Britain’s main media outÂlet. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly many of these videos are short and not entireÂly subÂstanÂtive. A missed opporÂtuÂniÂty.
- BBC WorldÂwide
- DitÂto.
- Big Think
- This colÂlecÂtion brings you videos feaÂturÂing some of today’s leadÂing thinkers, movers and shakÂers.
- BoingÂBoÂingTV
- These videos are brought to you by the makÂers of the very popÂuÂlar BoingÂBoÂing blog.
- BrookÂlyn MuseÂum
- A fairÂly rich lineÂup of videos explorÂing the colÂlecÂtions at BrookÂlyn’s main art museÂum.
- CharÂlie Rose
- PBS interÂviewÂer CharÂlie Rose presents segÂments of his nightÂly interÂviews.
- CitÂiÂzen Tube
- YouTube’s own chanÂnel presents videos dealÂing with the AmerÂiÂcan politÂiÂcal process and the 2008 elecÂtion.
- ComÂputÂer HisÂtoÂry MuseÂum
- A good numÂber of videos that delve into comÂputÂers, netÂworkÂing, and semiÂconÂducÂtors.
- CounÂcil on ForÂeign RelaÂtions
- A resource designed to proÂvide insight into the comÂplex interÂnaÂtionÂal issues chalÂlengÂing polÂiÂcyÂmakÂers and citÂiÂzens alike.
- Videos that keep a close eye on the inner-workÂings of the AmerÂiÂcan politÂiÂcal process.
- DelivÂers video preÂsenÂtaÂtions from the world’s great writÂers, leadÂers, activists and thinkers.
- Guardian UnlimÂitÂed TV
- The Guardian brings you videos that make the teleÂviÂsion world its focus.
- GizÂmoÂdo
- A video colÂlecÂtion from one of the most popÂuÂlar techÂnolÂoÂgy web sites.
- Google Tech Talks
- The name kind of says it all.
- ProÂvides outÂtakes from new HBO proÂducÂtions. The videos are all short and largeÂly proÂmoÂtionÂal. Give us some beef, sirs.
- iHealthÂTube
- A free online video site focused on natÂurÂal health inforÂmaÂtion. Presents inforÂmaÂtion from 50 health speÂcialÂists.
- KQED on Demand- San FranÂcisÂco
- Media proÂvidÂed by the pubÂlic broadÂcastÂing comÂpaÂny in the San FranÂcisÂco Bay Area. I drink at this well daiÂly.
- MoMA
- Videos highÂlightÂing the art colÂlecÂtion, pubÂlic proÂgrams, and temÂpoÂrary exhiÂbiÂtions at The MuseÂum of ModÂern Art in New York City.
- NationÂal GeoÂgraphÂic
- The colÂlecÂtion is rich, but the videos are short. AnothÂer instance where the provider could use the mediÂum to offer more substance/depth.
- New SciÂenÂtist.
- Videos and vodÂcasts covÂerÂing sciÂence, techÂnolÂoÂgy, space, the enviÂronÂment and a whole lot more. An interÂnaÂtionÂal team of expert jourÂnalÂists brings you the latÂest innoÂvaÂtions and ideas in sciÂence and techÂnolÂoÂgy, from the wonÂderÂful to the worÂryÂing to the weird.
- Short video outÂtakes from PBS’s popÂuÂlar sciÂence proÂgram.
- ProÂmotes new PBS proÂgramÂming with painfulÂly short videos.
- PolÂiÂticÂsTV
- PolitÂiÂcal videos with a proÂgresÂsive bent.
- Pulitzer CenÂter on CriÂsis ReportÂing
- The Pulitzer CenÂter on CriÂsis ReportÂing’s misÂsion is to proÂmote in-depth covÂerÂage of interÂnaÂtionÂal affairs, focusÂing on topÂics that have been under-reportÂed, mis-reportÂed — or not reportÂed at all.
- Videos show the latÂest hapÂpenÂings at NASA and new develÂopÂments in space exploÂration.
- Reuters Video
- The latÂest video from Reuters.
- SunÂdance
- ProÂvides video clips from origÂiÂnal series and films airÂing on the SunÂdance ChanÂnel.
- The ComÂmonÂwealth Club (San FranÂcisÂco)
- Videos comÂing out of the nation’s oldÂest and largest pubÂlic affairs forum, preÂsentÂing topÂics rangÂing across polÂiÂtics, culÂture, and sociÂety.
- The ComÂmonÂcraft Show
- The ComÂmon Craft Show is a series of short explanaÂtoÂry videos by Lee and Sachi LeFever. The goal is to fight comÂplexÂiÂty with simÂple tools and plain lanÂguage.
- The Davos QuesÂtion
- Every year, globÂal leadÂers attend the World EcoÂnomÂic Forum in Davos, SwitzerÂland to disÂcuss how to betÂter the world. Here you get to see what they have to say.
- The New York Times
- All the news that’s fit to stream.
- The New YorkÂer
- The offiÂcial video chanÂnel of The New YorkÂer magÂaÂzine.
- The Nobel Prize
- Brings you fasÂciÂnatÂing insights into the minds of curÂrent and past Nobel LauÂreÂates.
- The Onion News NetÂwork
- A good dose of funÂny videos from The Onion. Good for when you need some comÂic relief.
- The Real News
- The Real News NetÂwork is a globÂal online video news netÂwork that lisÂtens to and is depenÂdent soleÂly on its audiÂence. No ads. No govÂernÂment subÂsiÂdies. No corÂpoÂrate sponÂsorÂship.
- The Research ChanÂnel
- Based out of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of WashÂingÂton, the ResearchChanÂnel brings togethÂer conÂtent from leadÂing research and acaÂdÂeÂmÂic instiÂtuÂtions.
- The World Bank
- Videos comÂing out of the instiÂtuÂtion whose goal is to rid the world of poverÂty..
- The YouTube ScreenÂing Room
- ProÂvidÂed by YouTube itself, this colÂlecÂtion presents high qualÂiÂty, indeÂpenÂdent films to web users and promisÂes to roll out four new films every two weeks.
- TED Talks
- GenÂerÂalÂly engagÂing videos comÂing out of the annuÂal TED conÂferÂence. FeaÂtures imporÂtant thinkers from difÂferÂent walks of life.
- WNYC Radio
- Videos proÂvidÂed by WNYC, New York PubÂlic Radio, the largest pubÂlic radio staÂtion in the US.
- World EcoÂnomÂic Forum
- The World EcoÂnomÂic Forum is an indeÂpenÂdent interÂnaÂtionÂal orgaÂniÂzaÂtion comÂmitÂted to improvÂing the state of the world by engagÂing leadÂers in partÂnerÂships to shape globÂal, regionÂal and indusÂtry agenÂdas.
- Yad Vashem
- ConÂtainÂing the world’s largest reposÂiÂtoÂry of inforÂmaÂtion on the HoloÂcaust, Yad Vashem is a leader in HoloÂcaust eduÂcaÂtion, comÂmemÂoÂraÂtion, research and docÂuÂmenÂtaÂtion.
- 92nd Street Y
- PretÂty much anyÂone and everyÂone on the culÂturÂal radar passÂes through the 92nd Y in NYC.
SpotÂlightÂed ColÂlecÂtions
- UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia — BerkeÂley
- Arguably the most subÂstanÂtive YouTube colÂlecÂtion out there. FeaÂtures a large numÂber of free coursÂes, plus numerÂous lecÂtures givÂen by imporÂtant figÂures.
- IndiÂan InstiÂtute of Technology/Indian InstiÂtute of SciÂence
- PreÂsentÂed by the leadÂing techÂnolÂoÂgy instiÂtutes in India, this colÂlecÂtion feaÂtures more than 50 free coursÂes. ObviÂousÂly has a strong technology/engineering bent.
- MIT (MassÂaÂchuÂsetts InstiÂtute of TechÂnolÂoÂgy)
- Makes availÂable many of the videos proÂduced as part of MIT’s leadÂing OpenÂCourseÂWare iniÂtiaÂtive.
- StanÂford UniÂverÂsiÂty
- NewÂly launched, the colÂlecÂtion already feaÂtures a couÂple hunÂdred videos, includÂing sevÂerÂal free coursÂes.
- UChanÂnel (PrinceÂton)
- SpearÂheadÂed by PrinceÂton, this colÂlecÂtion aggreÂgates qualÂiÂty videos comÂing from a conÂsorÂtium of major uniÂverÂsiÂties.
OthÂer UniÂverÂsiÂty ColÂlecÂtions
- Auburn UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Hard to sepÂaÂrate the intelÂlecÂtuÂal subÂstance from videos that have a more proÂmoÂtionÂal & interÂnal bent. But some of the forÂmer is there to be found.
- BerkÂman CenÂter for InterÂnet and SociÂety at HarÂvard Law School
- The videos hostÂed here look at how the digÂiÂtal world and the law interÂsect.
- Carnegie MelÂlon
- Among othÂer things, this colÂlecÂtion feaÂtures the highÂly popÂuÂlar video: Randy Pausch’s Last LecÂture: AchievÂing Your ChildÂhood Dreams.
- Duke UniÂverÂsiÂty
- IndiÂvidÂual videos explore the research comÂing out of one of AmerÂiÂca’s leadÂing uniÂverÂsiÂties.
- Duke’s Fuqua School of BusiÂness
- SimÂiÂlar to Duke’s main colÂlecÂtion, but focused on busiÂness.
- EGS (The EuroÂpean GradÂuÂate School)
- This EuroÂpean colÂlecÂtion feaÂtures imporÂtant, conÂtemÂpoÂrary theÂoÂrists, philosoÂphers, and filmÂmakÂers.
- HarÂvard’s Bok CenÂter
- A small colÂlecÂtion focused on pedÂaÂgogy.
- Old DominÂion
- A litÂtle bit of a hodgeÂpodge but there’s some interÂestÂing items in the mix.
- Ohio State
- So far not an overÂwhelmÂing use of the mediÂum.
- Otis ColÂlege
- OrigÂiÂnal videos from Otis ColÂlege of Art and Design. Includes demonÂstraÂtions of artisÂtic techÂniques. Take for examÂple this video that will teach you how to draw a porÂtrait.
- Oxford UniÂverÂsiÂty — SaĂŻd BusiÂness School
- Rather interÂnalÂly focused. Not much in the way of eduÂcaÂtionÂal conÂtent per se. But let’s keep our finÂgers crossed that it evenÂtuÂalÂly offers more.
- PurÂdue UniÂverÂsiÂty
- Again someÂthing of a hodgeÂpodge. Wheat and chaff.
- SonoÂma State
- A more intelÂlecÂtuÂalÂly robust colÂlecÂtion that feaÂtures a fair amount of notable lecÂtures.
- Tulane UniÂverÂsiÂty
- You can access some of the speechÂes by esteemed guest speakÂers here.
- UniÂverÂsiÂty of AriÂzona
- You can sort through a good numÂber of talks here.
- UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia TV
- UCTV pulls togethÂer videos from the camÂpusÂes, nationÂal labÂoÂraÂtoÂries, and affilÂiÂatÂed instiÂtuÂtions of the UniÂverÂsiÂty of CalÂiÂforÂnia.
- UniÂverÂsiÂty of ChicaÂgo Press
- Though still modÂest in size, the colÂlecÂtion feaÂtures some interÂestÂing items.
- UniÂverÂsiÂty of North CarÂoliÂna — Chapel Hill
- The colÂlecÂtion is subÂstanÂtive on the whole. You will need to sift through the videos to find ones of interÂest.
- UCSF MemÂoÂry & Aging ChanÂnel
- UCSF, one of the leadÂing medÂical schools in the US, feaÂtures videos that will “eduÂcate patients, careÂgivers and health proÂfesÂsionÂals about the varÂiÂous forms of neuÂrodeÂgenÂerÂaÂtive disÂeases.” The disÂeases covÂered here include Alzheimer’s, FronÂtotemÂpoÂral demenÂtia and Creutzfelt-Jakob
- USC (UniÂverÂsiÂty of SouthÂern CalÂiÂforÂnia)
- VanÂderÂbilt UniÂverÂsiÂty
- An eclecÂtic mix.
Great list! Thanks
is the right link to Aljazeera EngÂlish
Thanks, for the heads up on the broÂken link!
Great list — espeÂcialÂly for librarÂiÂans and acaÂdÂeÂmics lookÂing for qualÂiÂty YouTube videos and chanÂnels! Thanks so much.
[…] YouTube: Yes, YouTube. Amidst the throng of clips of peoÂple injurÂing themÂselves for 10 minÂutes of fame, you can find a host of video lecÂtures from colÂleges, sciÂenÂtifÂic video from NASA, news from Reuters, “smart” TV conÂtent from the likes of CSPAN, PBS and BBC, plus video from highÂfaÂlutin pubÂliÂcaÂtions like NationÂal GeoÂgraphÂic and The New YorkÂer. Check out this list of eduÂcaÂtionÂal options. […]
[…] e fonti di video inforÂmaÂtivi, è quelÂlo pubÂbliÂcaÂto su OpenÂCulÂture, dove si idenÂtiÂfÂiÂcano “forme di vita intelÂliÂgenÂti su YouTube” […]
[…] 70 Signs of IntelÂliÂgent Life at YouTube | Open CulÂture (Education,Video,YouTube,List) […]
[…] here (if you are willÂing to search for it). has a great artiÂcle called “70 Signs of IntelÂliÂgent Life at YouTube” which has a large list of inforÂmaÂtive YouTube chanÂnels includÂing videos from, […]