In case you missed it, RadioÂhead released today its new album In RainÂbows. What makes the album remarkÂable, in part, is how it’s being disÂtribÂuted. BuyÂers can go straight to the RadioÂhead web site (it’s not availÂable on iTunes) and downÂload the album as DRM-free MP3s. And, what is more, they can decide for themÂselves how much they’re willÂing to pay for the album. You can pay as much or as litÂtle as you want. That makes the new album pretÂty much qualÂiÂfy as a piece of “open culÂture.” (If you get it, please let us know in the comÂments how much you paid out. We’d be curiÂous to know.)
Next up, REM. They’re releasÂing a live album next week (22 tracks recordÂed in album), but you can stream the whole album for free on RhapÂsody right now, and the qualÂiÂty is nice and high. Source: Rolling Stone.
For more mp3s see our colÂlecÂtion of MP3 Music Blogs.
i paid 5 pounds (10 usd i believe?)
REM’s album can be streamed…from the US only. ObviÂousÂly only aliens would have the audacÂiÂty (sic) to record the stream.