How has the geography of religion evolved over the centuries, and where has it sparked wars? This interactive map summarizes in a brief 90 seconds the history of Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism. It shows where & when each religion originated, how the religions sometimes came into conflict, and how they spread across the globe. This short history lesson is produced by a site called Maps of War, which features other interactive lessons, including The Imperial History of the Middle East and American Leadership & War. Enjoy.
Via Boing Boing
would be lovely to see one which included the older cultures, Aboriginal, Mayan etc.
Where’s the modern information about the war Islam is waging right now? 9/11 and all the terrorism since then should not be left out…it’s exactly how Islam started, and it’s what Islam is now doing again.
i want a map that shows the major empires of the earths history. that would be a very complex but entertaining show