25 years after the release of Blade RunÂner, RidÂley Scott has assemÂbled a final and definÂiÂtive direcÂtor’s cut of the film, givÂing audiÂences the chance to see the film as Scott origÂiÂnalÂly intendÂed it.Before the film’s origÂiÂnal release in 1982, preÂview screenÂings went horÂriÂbly, and the monÂey men stepped in and imposed changes on the aesÂthetÂic and narÂraÂtive. Voice-overs and hapÂpy endÂings were added. New film shot. DiaÂlogue changed. “I went along with the idea that we had to do cerÂtain things to get audiÂences interÂestÂed,” Scott lamentÂed in an artiÂcle in appearÂing this weekÂend’s New York Times. “I latÂer realÂized that once I adoptÂed that line, I was sellÂing my soul to the devÂil, inch by inch driftÂing from my origÂiÂnal conception.”This is actuÂalÂly ScotÂt’s secÂond attempt at creÂatÂing a final cut. Back in 1992, he took a first crack at revisÂing Blade RunÂner. But he ultiÂmateÂly didÂn’t have the time and resources to get the job done as he liked. Now, just in time to capÂiÂtalÂize on the 25th anniverÂsary of the film, he’s releasÂing what he calls the final, final cut. The movie will be released in New York and Los AngeÂles theÂaters on OctoÂber 5, and by ChristÂmas, you can buy it on DVD. (ActuÂalÂly, it can already be pre-ordered on AmaÂzon.)If you have a free moment, you may want to watch the audio slideshow that the Times put togethÂer on the cult clasÂsic as well as the new film’s trailÂer (see below). And to get even more info on this film’s makÂing and remakÂing, see this artiÂcle by MTV’s Kurt Loder.
I just watched the first “final” cut and think I’m going to have to go back and watch the theÂatriÂcal release. From what I underÂstand, the verÂsion I saw is difÂferÂent mainÂly because Ford’s narÂraÂtion is removed and the endÂing is difÂferÂent.
What I saw was a very slow movÂing film, but it did have some interÂestÂing moments.