Most uniÂverÂsiÂty podÂcasts allow the outÂside world to lisÂten in on fairÂly polÂished and forÂmal camÂpus lecÂtures. But this podÂcast is difÂferÂent. As part of its new iTunes iniÂtiaÂtive, Yale UniÂverÂsiÂty has recentÂly released a recordÂing of famed litÂerÂary critÂic Harold Bloom (see bio) teachÂing a semÂiÂnar on “The Art of ReadÂing a Poem” (lisÂten above). Here, Bloom endearÂingÂly takes his stuÂdents through a poem by WalÂlace Stevens, Parts of a World, and conÂstantÂly moves between interÂpreÂtaÂtion and digresÂsion — digresÂsions that are often filled with intriguÂing perÂsonÂal anecÂdotes (as well as freÂquent laments for othÂer thinkers from Bloom’s genÂerÂaÂtion who have since passed away).
The podÂcast is notable for being remarkÂably uneditÂed, which has its plusÂes and minusÂes. On the downÂside, the semÂiÂnar doesÂn’t realÂly get going until 13 minÂutes in (so conÂsidÂer startÂing there), and the first few minÂutes include a long stretch of silence when Bloom excusÂes himÂself from the room. On the upside, the uneditÂed cut creÂates a kind of cinĂ©Âma vĂ©ritĂ© expeÂriÂence for the lisÂtenÂer. You get to hear Bloom, one of AmerÂiÂca’s best litÂerÂary critÂics, workÂing in the classÂroom in an unadulÂterÂatÂed way, teasÂing apart a poem by one of AmerÂiÂca’s best poets. There is someÂthing immeÂdiÂate, pure and excitÂing about this way of using the podÂcast, an approach that uniÂverÂsiÂties should look at more closeÂly.
See more UniÂverÂsiÂty PodÂcasts here.
Does anyÂone know if there will be any more of Harold Bloom’s lecÂtures made availÂable. I absoluteÂly loved this first lecÂture on the art of readÂing poetÂry and the disÂcusÂsion of Steven’s The Poems of Our CliÂmate. Wish there were more…
Much thanks,
For an alumÂnus outÂside of Yale, how do I gain access to BlackÂboard or othÂer source to get the sylÂlabus for Prof. Bloom’s PoetÂry podÂcast?
How can I lisÂten to Bloom’s podÂcast on WalÂlace Stevens from Jan 2007?
Help! Please!
Who Can send me a pdf verÂsion of these books:
“The Art of ReadÂing a PoetÂry” By H. Bloom
“How to Read and Why” By H. Bloom
I need these book.
Can u Please proÂvide me some notes on Harold Bloom’s Art of readÂing poetÂry.