Since 2007, Apple has offered uniÂverÂsiÂties around the world a way to disÂtribÂute eduÂcaÂtionÂal media via iTunes U. Fast forÂward to 2010, HarÂvard has now set up its own iTunes U secÂtion, with more than 200 audio and video tracks covÂerÂing everyÂthing from the HarÂvard KuumÂba Singers to a course on JusÂtice with promiÂnent politÂiÂcal philosoÂpher Michael Sandel. OthÂer highÂlights include:
- Brief (one to two-minute) high-defÂiÂnÂiÂtion video tours of hard-to-see astroÂnomÂiÂcal objects observed by the ChanÂdra X‑ray ObserÂvaÂtoÂry — we’re talkÂing explodÂed stars and black holes. HighÂlights include: GalacÂtic CenÂter in 60 SecÂonds (there’s a black hole at the cenÂter of the Milky Way), ChanÂdra’s ExtraÂorÂdiÂnary UniÂverse (an overview of the ChanÂdra project), and Best of the BeauÂtiÂful UniÂverse (the picÂtures of galaxy clusÂters are stunÂning).
- A HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty Press podÂcast feaÂturÂing 10–20 minute long interÂviews with authors of such titles as: NamÂing InfinÂiÂty: A True StoÂry of ReliÂgious MysÂtiÂcism and MathÂeÂmatÂiÂcal CreÂativÂiÂty; HysÂterÂiÂcal Men: The HidÂden HisÂtoÂry of Male NerÂvous IllÂness; and The AnnoÂtatÂed Wind in the WilÂlows.
- Videos of John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum speechÂes and panÂel disÂcusÂsions feaÂturÂing promiÂnent leadÂers, acaÂdÂeÂmics, and artists. As a folÂlow-up to Michael Sandel’s JusÂtice course linked to above, there’s a panÂel disÂcusÂsion with him and Niall FerÂguÂson, Lani Guinier, and PegÂgy NooÂnan: JUSTICE: What’s the Right Thing to Do? There’s also a conÂverÂsaÂtion with Dustin Lance Black, screenÂwriter of the movie MILK.
For free coursÂes from HarÂvard and othÂer fine instiÂtuÂtions, visÂit our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online CoursÂes.
via MacÂWorld
Wes Alwan lives in Boston, MassÂaÂchuÂsetts, where he works as a writer and researcher and attends the InstiÂtute for the Study of PsyÂchoÂanalyÂsis and CulÂture. He also parÂticÂiÂpates in The ParÂtialÂly ExamÂined Life, a podÂcast conÂsistÂing of inforÂmal disÂcusÂsions about philoÂsophÂiÂcal texts by three phiÂlosÂoÂphy gradÂuÂate school dropouts.