Watch an Auroratone, a Psychedelic 1940s Film, Featuring Bing Crosby, That Helped WWII Vets Overcome PTSD & Other Mental Health Conditions

As Lisa Simp­son once mem­o­rably remarked, “I can see the music.” Pret­ty much any­one can these days. Just switch on your device’s audio visu­al­iz­er. That wasn’t the case in the 1940s, when psy­chol­o­gist Cecil A. Stokes used chem­istry and polar­ized light to invent sooth­ing abstract music videos, a sort of cin­e­mat­ic synes­the­sia exper­i­ment such as … Con­tin­ue read­ing Watch an Auro­ra­tone, a Psy­che­del­ic 1940s Film, Fea­tur­ing Bing Cros­by, That Helped WWII Vets Over­come PTSD & Oth­er Men­tal Health Con­di­tions