Ben SanÂsum is someÂthing of a young fogey. He’s only 35 years old, but he lives in the year 1946. EntireÂly. The picÂtures on his wall in his CamÂbridgeshire home, the supÂplies in his cupÂboard, the music played on his turntable, the clothes he wears–everything comes from 1946 and the post WWII era. His motiÂvaÂtion is partÂly aesÂthetÂic. He likes livÂing in a periÂod home, he tells us. But it also goes deepÂer than that. As he notes, our modÂern world moves so quickÂly, it someÂtimes pays to hang onto old world charms.
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SomeÂone needs to introÂduce him to the woman who lives in 1946 as well.
Whoa, do you hapÂpen to have any links to info about her?