David RemÂnick, the ediÂtor of the New YorkÂer and author of the Pulitzer Prize-winÂning book, Lenin’s Tomb, has recentÂly revisÂitÂed the counÂtry he knows so well. And what he has to show for it is an extenÂsive piece on GarÂry KasÂparov, arguably the best chess playÂer in hisÂtoÂry, and his danÂgerÂous move into the politÂiÂcal areÂna. In Vladimir Putin’s RusÂsia, neiÂther politÂiÂcal disÂsent nor politÂiÂcal oppoÂsiÂtion goes over terÂriÂbly well. Since he took the reins of powÂer in 2000, more than a dozen jourÂnalÂists critÂiÂcal of Putin have turned up dead. So have some politiÂcians. Then there was the draÂmatÂic case of AlexanÂder LitviÂnenko, the forÂmer KGB agent turned Putin critÂic, who died of radiÂaÂtion poiÂsonÂing in LonÂdon last fall. All of the casÂes remain “unreÂsolved.”
At great perÂsonÂal and finanÂcial cost, KasÂparov is tryÂing to lay the founÂdaÂtion for a legitÂiÂmate politÂiÂcal oppoÂsiÂtion. GetÂting there, howÂevÂer, won’t be easy. For one, Putin, havÂing shored up RusÂsiÂa’s econÂoÂmy and nationÂal psyÂche, is immenseÂly popÂuÂlar, havÂing upwards to an 80% popÂuÂlarÂiÂty ratÂing. Even the old disÂsiÂdent AlekÂsanÂdr SolzhenÂitÂsyn likes him. Then, there’s the fact that Putin has almost a tsarist, “L’État, c’est moi” kind of grip on powÂer. In a podÂcastÂed interÂview (iTunes — Feed — Web Site) that grew out of RemÂnickÂ’s artiÂcle, KasÂparov talks about his expecÂtaÂtions for the next presÂiÂdenÂtial elecÂtion in RusÂsia, when Putin is conÂstiÂtuÂtionÂalÂly required to cede presÂiÂdenÂtial powÂers to anothÂer politiÂcian. Here, he tells RemÂnick that Putin will conÂtinÂue callÂing the shots because, as he puts it, RusÂsiÂa’s politÂiÂcal elite is so feckÂless that they would “vote to make Putin’s dog the prime minÂisÂter.” This strikes the lisÂtenÂer as a strange but timeÂly comÂment, espeÂcialÂly in light of Putin’s announceÂment yesÂterÂday that he may seek to become RusÂsiÂa’s prime minÂisÂter, which would essenÂtialÂly give him the chance to conÂtinÂue exerÂcisÂing powÂer from what one diploÂmat has called “a parÂalÂlel strucÂture.” That’s a move that should prove hard for KasÂparov or any othÂer Putin oppoÂnent to parÂry.
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