What do sleepÂing and comÂputÂing have in comÂmon? Not a whole lot (nor realÂly should they), except for this. We sleep and use comÂputÂers a good chunk of our lives, and yet we genÂerÂalÂly have no idea how either works. Sleep is the 33% of our lives that we hardÂly give a thought to. And comÂputÂing, well, few of us know what’s going on inside that box when we turn it on, open a proÂgram, surf the web or, alas, get a virus.
As usuÂal, HarÂvard has answers, at least for the techies among us. But instead of askÂing stuÂdents to go into hock to get them, this time the uniÂverÂsiÂty is givÂing the answers away. (ConÂsidÂer it a gift from the school’s $29.2 bilÂlion endowÂment.) CourÂtesy of the HarÂvard ExtenÂsion School, any stuÂdent who can’t make it to CamÂbridge can freely access the online course UnderÂstandÂing ComÂputÂers and the InterÂnet. The course, which revolves around a series of 14 lecÂtures, is conÂveÂnientÂly delivÂered in sevÂerÂal forÂmats — one verÂsion that downÂloads to your comÂputÂer, anothÂer that downÂloads to the Ipod/iTunes, and finalÂly one that streams over the web, which you can find at Google Video and Youtube. To get startÂed, to get your litÂtle piece of HarÂvard for free, click here.
Thank you for this very useÂful inforÂmaÂtion. I am folÂlowÂing all your blogs and I have been blessed by all the knowlÂedge you’ve shared. Thanks a lot