From Marianne Talbot (Oxford University) comes a short course on The Nature of Causation. It covers the following ground:
We have causal theories of reference, perception, knowledge, content and numerous other things. If it were to turn out that causation doesn’t exist, we would be in serious trouble! Causation is so important in fact that it has been said that: “With regard to our total conceptual apparatus, causation is the centre of the centre”, and it has been called called ‘the cement of the universe’. In these lectures you will be introduced to the most influential theories of causation, the motivations for them and arguments behind them, and the problems they face.
This 6‑lecture course will be added to our list of Free Online Philosophy Courses, a subset of our list, 1,700 Free Online Courses from Top Universities.
You can find the audio available in other formats here.