Stream Billy Collins’ Album, The Best Cigarette, Free Online


Image by Marce­lo Noah, via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

“In the near­ly three dozen poems [Bil­ly Collins] reads on this disc, the imme­di­ate genius of a stand-up com­ic is joined to the slow intelligence–the lay­er­ing of life and learning–of an accom­plished poet. He’s been my com­pan­ion on the best car rides of the past few weeks, and I’ll be lis­ten­ing to him again tonight. High­ly rec­om­mend­ed.”

That’s how one read­er and fan describes The Best Cig­a­rette, the 1997 album by Bil­ly Collins, which you can stream for free on Spo­ti­fy. If you need Spo­ti­fy’s free soft­ware, you can down­load it here.

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Open Culture was founded by Dan Colman.