Holocaust in Film and Literature: A Free Online Course from UCLA

Holo­caust in Film and Lit­er­a­ture is a course that pro­vides insight into the His­to­ry of Holo­caust and its present mem­o­ry through exam­i­na­tion of chal­lenges and prob­lems encoun­tered in try­ing to imag­ine its hor­ror through media of lit­er­a­ture and film.

About the Pro­fes­sor: Todd Pres­ner is Asso­ciate Pro­fes­sor of Ger­man­ic Lan­guages, Com­par­a­tive Lit­er­a­ture, and Jew­ish Stud­ies. His research focus­es on Ger­man-Jew­ish intel­lec­tu­al and cul­tur­al his­to­ry, the his­to­ry of media, visu­al cul­ture, dig­i­tal human­i­ties, and cul­tur­al geog­ra­phy. He is the author of two books: The first, Mobile Moder­ni­ty: Ger­mans, Jews, Trains (Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty Press, 2007), maps Ger­man-Jew­ish intel­lec­tu­al his­to­ry onto the devel­op­ment of the rail­way sys­tem; the sec­ond, Mus­cu­lar Judaism: The Jew­ish Body and the Pol­i­tics of Regen­er­a­tion (Rout­ledge, 2007), ana­lyzes the aes­thet­ic dimen­sions of the strong Jew­ish body.

You can view all 18 video lec­tures above, or find them on YouTube here.

Note: Some clips and images may have been blurred or removed to avoid copy­right infringe­ment.
