Hear Five JG Ballard Stories Presented as Radio Dramas

Image by Thier­ry Erhmann via Wiki­me­dia Com­mons

These episodes of the Cana­di­an radio dra­ma series Van­ish­ing Point were adapt­ed from the short sto­ries of British writer J.G. Bal­lard (1930–2009). “The writ­ers com­mis­sioned to cre­ate the dra­mas includ­ed Lawrence Rus­sell (A Ques­tion of Re-entry, The Dead Astro­naut), Mar­garet Hollingsworth (The Cloud Sculp­tors of Coral D), Bri­an Wade (Low Fly­ing Air­craft, News From The Sun), Paul Mil­liken (Hav­ing A Won­der­ful Time), and James R. Wallen (Escape­ment). Laud­ed at the time, these for­got­ten gems explore the dra­mat­ic aspects of JGB’s ear­ly short sto­ries with­in an audi­to­ry medi­um.” Stream them below, and find them list­ed in our col­lec­tion 1,000 Free Audio Books: Down­load Great Books for Free:

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