1,000 Free Audio Books: Download Great Books for Free

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Down­load hun­dreds of free audio books, most­ly clas­sics, to your MP3 play­er or com­put­er. Below, you’ll find great works of fic­tion, poet­ry and non-fic­tion, by such authors as Twain, Tol­stoy, Hem­ing­way, Orwell, Von­negut, Niet­zsche, Austen, Shake­speare, Asi­mov, HG Wells & more. Also please see our relat­ed col­lec­tion: The 150 Best Pod­casts to Enrich Your Mind.

Fic­tion & Lit­er­a­ture

  • Babel, Isaac — Free MP3 — “The Sto­ry of the Dove­cote” (read by Nathan Eng­lan­der) — Free MP3
  • Babel, Isaac — “You Must Know Every­thing” — Free MP3
  • Bald­win, James — “A Let­ter to My New Nephew” (read by Chris Rock) — YouTube
  • Bald­win, James — Fifty Famous Sto­ries Retold — Free MP3 Stream/Download
  • Bal­lard, JG — “A Place and A Time to Die” (Dra­ma­tized ver­sion) — Free YouTube
  • Bal­lard, JG — “Track 12” and “Venus Smiles” — Free Stream
  • Bal­lard, JG — Cocaine Nights — Free Stream
  • Bal­lard, JG - “My Dream of Fly­ing to Wake Island” (read by William Boyd) — Free MP3
  • Bal­lard, JG — The Drowned World — Free Stream
  • Bal­lard, JG — “The Sto­ries of JG Bal­lard” (dra­ma­tized for radio) — Free Stream
  • Balzac, Hon­oré de — La Comédie Humaine (French) — Free Down­loads
  • Balzac, Hon­oré de — Le Père Gori­ot — Free Stream/Download
  • Balzac, Hon­oré de — The Peas­ant Sto­ry of Napoleon — Free MP3
  • Bar­rie, JM — Peter Pan — Free MP3
  • Bar­ro­dale, Amie - “William Wei” (read by James Fran­co) — Free MP3
  • Barthelme, Don­ald — “Chablis” (read by Etgar Keret) — Free Stream
  • Barthelme, Don­ald - “Con­cern­ing the Body­guard” (read by Salman Rushdie) — Free MP3
  • Barthelme, Don­ald - “Game” and “School” (read by T.C. Boyle) — Free MP3
  • Barthelme, Don­ald - “I Bought a Lit­tle City” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Barthelme, Don­ald - “The Roy­al Treat­ment” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Wiz­ard of Oz (read by Tituss Burgess) — Free iTunes
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Wiz­ard of Oz (Vol 1) — Free MP3
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Mar­velous Land of Oz (Vol 2) — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Baum, Frank L. — Ozma of Oz (Vol 3) — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Baum, Frank L. — Dorothy and the Wiz­ard of Oz (Vol 4) — Free MP3s
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Road to Oz (Vol 5) — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Emer­ald City of Oz (Vol 6) — Free MP3s
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Patch­work Girl of Oz (Vol 7) — Free iTunes Free MP3s
  • Baum, Frank L. — Tik Tok of Oz (Vol 8) — Free MP3
  • Baum, L. Frank — The Scare­crow of Oz  (Vol 9) — Free iTunes Free MP3
  • Baum, L. Frank — Rinkitink in Oz (Vol 10) — Free MP3
  • Baum, L. Frank — The Lost Princess of Oz (Vol 11) — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Tin Wood­man of Oz (Vol 12) — Free MP3
  • Baum, Frank L. — The Mag­ic of Oz (Vol 13) — Free MP3
  • Baum, Frank L. — Glin­da of Oz (Vol 14) — Free MP3
  • Beck­ett, Samuel - The Com­plete Short Prose, 1929–1989 — Free Audio Stream
  • Beck­ett, Samuel — Wait­ing for Godot (The­atri­cal per­for­mance with Bert Lahr) — Spo­ti­fyArchive.org
  • Borges, Jorge Luis — ‘On Exac­ti­tude in Sci­ence’ — Free MP3/Stream
  • Borges, Jorge Luis —  Ibn Hakkan Al-Bokhari, Dead in his Labyrinth (Read by Orhan Pamuk) — Free Stream
  • Borges, Jorge Luis — Shake­speare’s Mem­o­ry — Free Stream
  • Borges, Jorge Luis  — “The Book of Sand” — Free Stream
  • Borges, Jorge Luis — The Gospel Accord­ing to Mark (read by Paul Ther­oux) — Free Stream
  • Boyle, T. Cor­aghes­san — “The Shape of a Teardrop‪”‬ (read by Boyle) — Free Stream
  • Brad­bury, Ray — Futuria Fan­ta­sia (a sci fi short sto­ry col­lect­ed edit­ed by Ray Brad­bury) — Free Stream
  • Brad­bury, Ray — All Sum­mer in a Day — Free Stream/MP3
  • Brad­bury, Ray — The Gold­en Apples of the Sun — Free Stream/MP3
  • Brad­bury, Ray — The Mar­t­ian Chron­i­cles & The Illus­trat­ed Man Read by Leonard Nimoy — YouTube
  • Brad­bury, Ray — The Mar­t­ian Chron­i­cles (Radio dra­ma with Derek Jaco­bi & Hay­ley Atwell) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Brad­bury, Ray — Radio Dra­mas of Brad­bury Sto­ries — Free Stream
  • Brad­bury, Ray —  “The Last Night of the World” — Sound­cloud
  • Brod­key, Harold — “Dumb­ness is Every­thing” (read by Michael Cun­ning­ham) — Free Stream
  • Brod­key, Harold — “Spring Fugue” (read by Jef­frey Eugenides) — Free MP3
  • Brod­key, Harold — “The State of Grace” (read by Richard Ford ) — Free Stream
  • Bronte, Anne - Agnes Grey — Free iTunes
  • Bronte, Char­lotte — Jane Eyre — Free MP3 Anoth­er Free MP3
  • Bronte, Char­lotte — The Pro­fes­sor — Free MP3
  • Bronte, Emi­ly - Wuther­ing Heights — Free MP3 — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Brown, Mar­garet Wise — Good Night Moon (Read by Susan Saran­don) — YouTube
  • Bur­nett, Frances Hodg­son — The Secret Gar­den (Read by Karen Gillan) — Free iTunes
  • Bur­roughs, William S. — Call Me Bur­roughs (his first spo­ken word album) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Bur­roughs, William S. — “Ghosts of Chance” — YouTube
  • Bur­roughs, William S. - Junky — MP3s
  • Bur­roughs, William S. - Let Me Hang You (posthu­mous album fea­tur­ing read­ings of Naked Lunch to music) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Bur­roughs, William S. — The Best of William Bur­roughs, Spare Ass Annie and Oth­er Tales, Dead City Radio, Break Through in Grey Room, and Call Me Bur­roughs — Spo­ti­fy
  • Bur­roughs, William S. - “Thanks­giv­ing Prayer” — YouTube
  • Bur­roughs, William S. — The Road to the West­ern Lands — Spo­ti­fy
  • Calvi­no, Ita­lo — Invis­i­ble Cities (excerpts read by Calvi­no) — Free Stream
  • Calvi­no, Ita­lo — “Love Far from Home” (read by Salman Rushdie) — Free Stream
  • Calvi­no, Ita­lo — The Night Dri­ver (read by Jeanette Win­ter­son) — Free Stream
  • Calvi­no, Ita­lo — “The Daugh­ters of the Moon” (read by Robert Coover) — Free Stream
  • Car­roll, Lewis — Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land — Free MP3s
  • Car­roll, Lewis — Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land (read by Cory Doc­torow) — Mul­ti­ple for­mats
  • Car­roll, Lewis — Alice’s Adven­tures in Won­der­land (read by Sir John Giel­gud) — Stream/Spotify
  • Car­roll, Lewis — Sylvie and Bruno — Free MP3
  • Car­roll, Lewis — Sylvie and Bruno Con­clud­ed — Free MP3
  • Car­roll, Lewis — Through the Look­ing Glass — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Gaiman, Neil — “The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Moun­tains” — Free MP3
  • Gait­skill, Mary — “The Oth­er Place” (read by Jen­nifer Egan) — Free MP3
  • Geng, Veron­i­ca — “Love Trou­ble Is My Busi­ness” (read by Jonathan Franzen) — Free MP3
  • Gogol, Niko­lai - Dead Souls — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Gogol, Niko­lai — “The Nose” — Free MP3
  • Gogol, Niko­lai - The Over­coat and Oth­er Short Sto­ries — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Gordimer, Nadine — “A Style of Her Own” and “The Bride­groom” (read by the author, 1961) — Free Stream/Download
  • Gordimer, Nadine — “City Lovers” (read by Tes­sa Hadley) — Free MP3
  • Gordimer, Nadine — “Loot” (read by author) — YouTube
  • Gordimer, Nadine — “The Pet” (read by Joseph O’Neill) — Free Stream
  • Gra­hame, Ken­neth — The Reluc­tant Drag­on (read by Boris Karloff) — YouTube
  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel — House of the Sev­en Gables — Free MP3s
  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel — Rap­pac­cini’s Daugh­ter — Free Stream
  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel — The Scar­let Let­ter — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel — The Scar­let Let­ter — Spo­ti­fy
  • Hawthorne, Nathaniel - “Wake­field” (Read by Paul Auster) — YouTube
  • Hay­den, Julie - “Day-Old Baby Rats” (read by Lor­rie Moore) Free MP3
  • Hem­ing­way, Ernest — A Farewell to Arms (1948 radio dra­ma) — YouTube
  • Hem­ing­way, Ernest — Ernest Hem­ing­way Reads Ernest Hem­ing­way — Free Stream
  • Hem­ing­way, Ernest - Homage to Switzer­land (read by Julian Barnes) — Free MP3
  • Hem­ing­way, Ernest — “In Har­ry’s Bar in Venice” (a short sto­ry read by Hem­ing­way: .au for­mat.gsm for­mat.ra for­mat)
  • Hem­ing­way, Ernest — “The Snows of Kil­i­man­jaro” (read by Charleston Hes­ton) — Part 1 — Part 2 — Part 3 — Part 4
  • Hesse, Her­mann — Sid­dhartha — Free MP3 — Spo­ti­fy
  • Hitch­cock, Alfred — Alfred Hitch­cock Presents Ghost Sto­ries for Young Peo­ple — Spo­ti­fy
  • Homer, The Ili­ad (Based on Samuel But­ler Trans­la­tion) — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Homer, The Odyssey (Based on Samuel But­ler Trans­la­tion) — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Hugh­es, Langston — “Sim­ple on Indi­an Blood”(read by Ossie Davis) — Free Stream
  • Hugh­es, Langston - “A Toast to Harlem” (read by Ossie Davis) — Free Stream
  • Hugh­es, Langston — “Last Whip­ping” (read by Ossie Davis) — Free Stream
  • Hugh­es, Langston — “Feet Live Their Own Life” (read by Ossie Davis) — Free Stream
  • Hugo, Vic­tor — Les Mis­érables Vol. 1 — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Hugo, Vic­tor - Les Mis­érables — Radio dra­ma nar­rat­ed by Orson Welles — Mul­ti­ple for­mats
  • Hugo, Vic­tor — The Hunch­back of Notre Dame — Free MP3 — Free iTunes
  • Hugo, Vic­tor — The Hunch­back of Notre Dame (Abridged ver­sion read by Christo­pher Lee) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Hux­ley, Aldous — Brave New World (Dra­ma­tized ver­sion read by Hux­ley) — Free Stream
  • Hux­ley, Aldous — Crome Yel­low — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Irv­ing, Wash­ing­ton — Rip Van Win­kle — Free MP3
  • Irv­ing, Wash­ing­ton - The Leg­end of Sleepy Hol­low — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • James, Hen­ry — Daisy Miller — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • James, Hen­ry — “Gre­ville Fane” (read by Cyn­thia Ozick) — Free Stream/Download
  • James, Hen­ry - The Turn of the Screw — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • John­son, Denis — “Emer­gency” (read by Tobias Wolff) MP3
  • Joyce, James — A Por­trait of the Artist as a Young Man — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File — Free Stream
  • Joyce, James — Cham­ber Music — Free iTunes — Free Stream
  • Joyce, James - Dublin­ers — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File — Free Stream — Free on Spo­ti­fy
  • Joyce, James — “Eve­line” (read by Sebas­t­ian Bar­ry) — Free MP3
  • Joyce, James — Finnegans Wake — Free Stream
  • Joyce, James —  “The Dead” — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Joyce, James — “The Dead” (Read by Cyn­thia Nixon & Colum McCann) — Free Stream
  • Joyce, James — “The Dead” (Read by Bart Wolffe) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Joyce, James - Ulysses — Free Stream Var­i­ous For­mats
  • July, Miran­da - “Ron Spivey” (read by David Sedaris) — Free MP3
  • Kaf­ka, Franz — “A Lit­tle Fable” (Read by David Fos­ter Wal­lace) — Free Stream
  • Kaf­ka, Franz — “A Hunger Artist” (read by Hanif Kureishi) — Free MP3
  • Kaf­ka, Franz — “Before the Law” — Free MP3
  • Kaf­ka, Franz — “In the Penal Colony — Free MP3
  • Kaf­ka, Franz — The Meta­mor­pho­sis — Free iTunes — Free MP3 — Free Stream — Spo­ti­fy
  • Karloff, Boris — Tales of the Fright­ened — YouTube
  • Ker­ouac, Bur­roughs, Gins­berg, etc — 18 Hours of Beat Read­ings — Spo­ti­fy
  • Kin­caid, Jamaica — “Fig­ures in the Dis­tance” (read by Chi­ma­man­da Ngozi Adichie) — Free MP3
  • Kin­caid, Jamaica — “Girl” and “Wing­less” (read by Edwidge Dan­ti­cat) — Free Stream
  • King, Stephen — “After­life” — YouTube
  • Kipling, Rud­yard — Kim — Free iTunes
  • Kipling, Rud­yard — Just So Sto­ries for Lit­tle Chil­dren — Free iTunes — Free MP3/Stream
  • Kipling, Rud­yard — Rik­­ki-Tik­­ki-Tavi — Free MP3
  • Kipling, Rud­yard — “The Ele­phan­t’s Child” — Free MP3
  • Kipling, Rud­yard — The Jun­gle Sto­ry — Free MP3 Zip File
  • L’Heureux, John — “Three Short Moments in a Long Life” — Free MP3 Stream
  • Lahiri, Jhumpa — “Cast­ing Shad­ows‪”‬ (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Lawrence, D.H. — Ever­last­ing Flow­ers — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Lawrence, D.H. - A Woman and Her Dead Hus­band — Free MP3
  • Le Guin, Ursu­la — “The End” (Dra­ma­tized ver­sion) — Free MP3 Stream
  • Ler­oux, Gas­ton — The Phan­tom of the Opera (abridged) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Lethem, Jonathan — “The After­life‪”‬ (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Lewis, C.S. - The Chron­i­cles of Nar­nia — Free MP3s
    • The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    • Prince Caspi­an: The Return to Nar­nia
    • The Voy­age of the Dawn Tread­er
    • The Sil­ver Chair
    • The Horse and His Boy
    • The Magi­cian’s Nephew
    • The Last Bat­tle
  • Lewis, C.S. — Spir­its in Bondage — Free iTunes — Free MP3s
  • Lewis, C.S. — The Screw­tape Let­ters (nar­rat­ed by John Cleese) — YouTube
  • Lewis, Sin­clair — Bab­bit — Free MP3s
  • Lewis, Sin­clair — It Can’t Hap­pen Here (read­ing of an adapt­ed play) — YouTube
  • Lewis, Sin­clair — Main Street — Free MP3s
  • Lon­don, Jack — Call of the Wild — Free MP3s
  • Lon­don, Jack — The Hea­then — Free MP3
  • Lon­don, Jack -To Build a Fire — Free MP3
  • Lon­don, Jack - White Fang — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Longfel­low, Hen­ry Wadsworth — Select­ed Works — Free MP3
  • Love­craft, H.P. — The Call of of Cthul­hu (Read by Gar­rick Hagan) — Free YouTube — Free Stream Part 1Free Stream Part 2
  • Love­craft, H.P - The Call of of Cthul­hu & Oth­er Sto­ries — Spo­ti­fy
  • Love­craft, H.P. — The Out­sider and The Hound (read by Rod­dy McDowall) — Free
  • Love­craft, H.P. — The Col­lect­ed Pub­lic Domain Works of H. P. Love­craft — Free Mp3 Zip File — Free Stream
  • Lucretius — On the Nature of Things — Free MP3 Zip File — Free iTunes
  • Lu Xun - A Mad­man’s Diary and Oth­er Sto­ries — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Mann, Thomas — Death in Venice — Free MP3s/Download
  • McCabe, Eugene - Annahul­lian (read by Colm Tóibín) — Free MP3
  • McCann, Colum — “Transat­lantic” (read by author) — Free MP3
  • McE­wan, Ian — “My Pur­ple Scent­ed Nov­el” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Melville, Her­man — Moby-Dick — Free Stream — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Melville, Her­man — Moby-Dick read by Celebri­ties (Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch, John Waters, Stephen Fry, Til­da Swin­ton & More) — Free Stream/Download
  • Melville, Her­man — Moby-Dick read by Oth­er Celebri­ties — Sound­Cloud
  • Melville, Her­man — Typee — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Miller, Arthur — Read­ings from The Cru­cible and Death of a Sales­man — Spo­ti­fy
  • Miller Jr, Wal­ter M. — A Can­ti­cle for Lei­bowitz (Dra­ma­tized Ver­sion) — Free Stream
  • Miller, William — Rent Par­ty Jazz (read by Vio­la Davis) — YouTube
  • Milne, A.A. — Win­nie the Pooh (read Dis­ney Book Group) — Free iTunes
  • Mil­ton, John - Par­adise Lost — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Mil­ton, John — Par­adise Regained — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Mont­gomery, Lucy Maud — Anne of Green Gables — Free MP3s
  • Moore, Lor­rie — “Paper Loss­es” (read by Gary Shteyn­gart) — Free Stream
  • Munro, Alice — “Axis” — Free Stream
  • Muraka­mi, Haru­ki — “Barn Burn­ing” — Free Stream
  • Muraka­mi, Haru­ki — “On See­ing the 100% Per­fect Girl One Beau­ti­ful April Morn­ing” — Free Stream
  • Muraka­mi, Haru­ki — “U.F.O. in Kushi­ro” — Free Stream
  • Nabokov, Vladimir - My Russ­ian Edu­ca­tion (Read by Orhan Pamuk) — Free MP3
  • Nabokov, Vladimir — “Pnin” — Free Stream
  • Nabokov, Vladimir — Signs and Sym­bols — Free Stream
  • Nabokov, Vladimir — Vladimir Nabokov Reads from Loli­ta & Select­ed Poems — Spo­ti­fy
  • Nin, Anais — “Under a Glass Bell” (Read by the author) — YouTube
  • Northup, Solomon — Twelve Years a Slave — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • NPR — Star Wars Tril­o­gy Radio Dra­ma — YouTube
  • O’Connor, Flan­nery — “A Good Man is Hard to Find.” (Read by author in 1959) — Stream/Download
  • O’Connor, Flan­nery — “Every­thing That Ris­es Must Con­verge” (Read by Estelle Par­sons) — YouTube
  • O’Connor, Flan­nery — “Rev­e­la­tion” (Read by Studs Terkel) — Stream
  • O’Con­nor, Frank — “The Man of the World” (read by Julian Barnes) MP3
  • O Hen­ry, The Gift of the Magi — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Oates, Joyce Car­ol — “Late Love” — Free Stream
  • Oates, Joyce Car­ol - “Mas­tiff” (read by Louise Erdrich) — Free Stream
  • Oates, Joyce Car­ol -“Sin­ners in the Hands of an Angry God‪”‬ (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Orwell, George — 1984 (Radio Dra­ma from 1949 start­ing David Niv­en) — Free Stream
  • Orwell, George — 1984 (Com­plete read­ing by Paci­fi­ca Radio) — Sound­cloud
  • Orwell, George — Ani­mal Farm — Spo­ti­fy ver­sion
  • Orwell, George - Homage to Cat­alo­nia — Chap­ter 1 here — Remain­ing Chap­ters here
  • Oz, Amos — “The King of Nor­way” (read by Jonathan Safran Foer) — Free Stream
  • Ozick, Cyn­thia — “The Shawl” (read by Joyce Car­ol Oates) — Free Stream
  • Paley, Grace — “Love” (read by George Saun­ders) — Free Stream
  • Plath, Sylvia — Three Women (a radio play) — Free Stream
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — 5 Hours of Edgar Allan Poe Sto­ries Read by Vin­cent Price & Basil Rath­bone — Spo­ti­fy
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Essen­tial Edgar Allan Poe — Spo­ti­fy
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Com­plete Works Vol. 1 — Free iTunes — Free Stream/Download
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Com­plete Works Vol. 2  — Free iTunes — Free Stream/Download
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Com­plete Works Vol. 3  — Free iTunes — Free Stream/Download
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Com­plete Works Vol. 4  — Free iTunes — Free Stream/Download
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Com­plete Works Vol. 5  — Free iTunes — Free Stream/Download
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — “The Masque of the Red Death” and Annabel Lee (read by William S. Bur­roughs) — Free YouTube Audio
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Cask of Amon­til­la­do — YouTube 
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Mask of the Red Death (read by William S. Bur­roughs) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Poe, Edgar Allan - The Pit and the Pen­du­lum — Free MP3
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven — Free MP3
  •  Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven (read by Stan Lee) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven (read by James Earl Jones) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven (read by Neil Gaiman) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven (read by John Astin) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan - The Raven (as read by Anne Wald­man) — Sound­Cloud
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven (read by Christo­pher Lee) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven (read by Vin­cent Price) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven (read by Christo­pher Walken) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Tell Tale Heart — Free MP3
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Tell Tale Heart (read by Christo­pher Lee) — Free YouTube Audio
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Tell Tale Heart (read by Iggy Pop) — Free YouTube Audio
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Tell Tale Heart, Silence, Annabel Lee (read by James Mason) — Free Stream
  • Porter, Eleanor — Pollyan­na — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Price, Vin­cent — The Price of Fear (Clas­sic radio show fea­tur­ing Vin­cent Price) — Free YouTube
  • Pritch­ett, V.S. — The Res­cue (Read by Jonathan Lethem) — Free Stream
  • Prokofiev, Sergei — Peter and the Wolf (Nar­rat­ed by David Bowie) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Proust, Mar­cel — À La Recherche Du Temps Per­du (Œuvre Inté­grale) (in French) — Free Stream
  • Pushkin, Alexan­der — Eugene One­gin — Free MP3 Stream — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Rat­cliffe, Stephen — Con­tin­u­um — Free MP3 Stream
  • Rand, Ayn — Anthem — Spo­ti­fy
  • Rushdie, Salman — “The Lit­tle King‪”‬ (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Rushdie, Salman — “The Old Man in the Piaz­za‪”‬ (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Ruskin, John - The Gold­en Riv­er — Free MP3
  • Safran Foer, Jonathan — “Love is Blind and Deaf” — Video Ani­ma­tion
  • Sara­m­a­go, José - “The Cen­taur” (Read by Nadine Gordimer) — Free MP3
  • Sartre, Jean-Paul (Per­formed by Lucy Law­less and Jaime Mur­ray) — Free Stream
  • Saun­ders, George — “Elliott Spencer” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Saun­ders, George — “Ghoul” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Saun­ders, George — “Love Let­ter” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Saun­ders, George — “Thurs­day” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Sedaris, David — “The Mouse and the Snake” from Squir­rel Seeks Chip­munk: A Mod­est Bes­tiary Free MP3 — Web site
  • Sedaris, David — “Six to Eight Black Men” from the album ‘Live at Carnegie Hall’ — YouTube Audio
  • Sedaris, David - “Solu­tion to Saturday’s Puzzle”from When You Are Engulfed in Flames Free MP3
  • Sendak, Mau­rice — Where the Wild Things Are (read by Christo­pher Walken) — YouTube
  • Seuss, Dr. — Green Eggs and Ham (read by Neil Gaiman) — YouTube
  • Seuss, Dr. — How The Grinch Stole Christ­mas (read by Boris Karloff) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Seuss, Dr. — How The Grinch Stole Christ­mas (read by Kei­th Mor­ri­son) — YouTube
  • Sewell, Anna — Black Beau­ty — Free MP3s
  • Schwartz, Del­more — “In Dreams Begin Respon­si­bil­i­ties” (Read by Lou Reed) — Free Stream
  • Shake­speare, William - A 68 Hour Playlist of Shakespeare’s Plays Being Per­formed by Great Actors: Giel­gud, McK­ellen & More — Free on Spo­ti­fy
  • Shake­speare, William — 10 Plays Per­formed by Orson Welles on the Radio — Free Stream
  • Shake­speare, William — All’s Well Ends Well — Free Stream — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William - A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William — Antony and Cleopa­tra — Free iTunes — Free Stream — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William — As You Like It — Free iTunes — Free Stream — Free Mp3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William — Com­e­dy of Errors — Free iTunes — Free Stream — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William — Cori­olanus — Free iTunes — Free Stream — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William — Cym­be­line — Free iTunes — Free Stream — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William - Ham­let — Free MP3
  • Shake­speare, William — Ham­let (French trans­la­tion by Mar­cel Pag­nol) — Spo­ti­fyYouTube
  • Shake­speare, William — Ham­let (Star­ring John Giel­gud) — Spo­ti­fy + Archive.org
  • Shake­speare, William — Julius Cae­sar — Free MP3
  • Shake­speare, William — King Lear — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Shake­speare, William — Mac­beth (with Alec Guin­ness) — Free Spo­ti­fy
  • Shake­speare, William — Romeo and Juli­et — Free MP3
  • Shake­speare, William - The Mer­chant of Venice — Free MP3
  • Shake­speare, William — The Son­nets — Free MP3
  • Shake­speare, William — The Son­nets (read by Sir John Giel­gud) — Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4
  • Shake­speare, William — The Tragedy of Mac­Beth — Free iTunes
  • Shaw, George Bernard — Pyg­malion — Free MP3
  • Shel­ley, Mary — Franken­stein (nar­rat­ed by Aaron Mahnke of the Lore pod­cast) — Free iTunes
  • Shel­ley, Mary — Franken­stein — Free MP3
  • Shel­ley, Mary — Franken­stein (Abridged ver­sion read by Christophe Lee) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Shep­ard, Sam — “Indi­anapo­lis (High­way 74)” read by Dave Eggers — Free Stream
  • Sil­ver­stein, Shel — The Giv­ing Tree (Ani­mat­ed film nar­rat­ed by the author) — YouTube
  • Sil­ver­stein, Shel - The Giv­ing Tree (Read by Ari­an­na Huff­in­g­ton) — YouTube
  • Sin­clair, Upton — The Jun­gle — Free MP3
  • Singer, Isaac Bashe­vis — Dis­guised (read by Nathan Eng­lan­der) — Free MP3
  • Smith, Zadie — “Escape from New York” (read by Zadie Smith) — Free Audio Stream
  • Stein, Gertrude — If I Told Him: a Com­plet­ed Por­trait of Picas­so — Free MP3
  • Stein, Gertrude - Matisse — Free MP3
  • Stein, Gertrude — The Fif­teenth Of Novem­ber … T. S. Eliot — Free MP3
  • Stein, Gertrude — The Mak­ing of Amer­i­cans — Free MP3
  • Stein­beck, John — “The Snake” and “John­ny Bear” — Free Stream
  • Sterne, Lau­rence — The Life and Opin­ions of Tris­tram Shandy, Gen­tle­man — Free Stream: Vol 1. — Vol 2. — Vol 3. — Vol 4. 
  • Steven­son, Robert Louis — The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde — Free MP3
  • Steven­son, Robert Louis — The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (Read by Christo­pher Lee) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Steven­son, Robert Louis — Trea­sure Island — Free MP3
  • Steven­son, Robert Louis — Trea­sure Island (Read by Hans Con­ried) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Stok­er, Bram — Drac­u­la — Free iTunes
    • See alter­na­tive ver­sion here. (full zip file)
  • Stok­er, Bram — Drac­u­la (Read by Christo­pher Lee) — YouTube
  • Stone, Tanya Lee — The House That Jane Built: A Sto­ry About Jane Addams (Read by Kier­nan Ship­ka aka Sal­ly Drap­er from Mad Men ) — YouTube
  • Stowe, Har­ri­et Beech­er — Uncle Tom’s Cab­in — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Swift, Jonathan — Gul­liv­er’s Trav­els — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Thay­er, Ernest Lawrence — Casey at the Bat — Free MP3
  • Thomas, Dylan — A Child’s Christ­mas in Wales (read by Thomas) — Youtube
  • Tol­stoy, Leo — Anna Karen­i­na — Free Stream
  • Tol­stoy, Leo - Anna Karen­i­na —
  • Tol­stoy, Leo - Five Short Sto­ries — Spo­ti­fy
  • Tol­stoy, Leo - Select­ed Short Sto­ries — Free Stream/MP3
  • Tol­stoy, Leo — What Men Live By and Oth­er Tales — Free iTunes
  • Tol­stoy, Leo — War & Peace Book 1Book 2Book 3Book 4Book 5Book 6Book 7Book 8Book 9 (Zip Files)
  • Tol­stoy, Leo — Select­ed Short Sto­ries — Free Mul­ti­ple for­mats
  • Wells, Tow­er — “Leop­ard” (Read by David Sedaris) — Free MP3 Stream
  • Trol­lope, Antho­ny — Barch­ester Tow­ers — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Twain, Mark - The Adven­tures of Huck­le­ber­ry Finn — Mul­ti­ple ver­sions here
  • Twain, Mark — The Adven­tures of Tom Sawyer — Free MP3
  • Twain, Mark — The Adven­tures of Tom Sawyer — Spo­ti­fy ver­sion
  • Twain, Mark — The Prince and the Pau­per — Free iTunes — Free MP3 Zip File — Free Stream
  • Unknown — Epic of Gil­gamesh — Free iTunes
  • Unknown — Sir Gawain and the Green Knight — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Updike, John - “Play­ing with Dyna­mite” (read by Roger Angell) — Free MP3
  • Updike, John — “A & P.” (read by Alle­gra Good­man) — Free MP3
  • Updike, John — “Twin Beds in Rome” — Free Stream
  • Verne, Jules — 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea — Free MP3/Stream
  • Verne, Jules - Around the World in 80 Days — Free MP3s
  • Verne, Jules — Mys­te­ri­ous Island — Free MP3/Stream
  • Verne, Jules — The Mas­ter of the World — Free MP3
  • Voltaire — Can­dide — Free MP3
  • Von­negut, Kurt - 2BR02B — Free MP3
  • Von­negut, Kurt — “Har­ri­son Berg­eron” — Free MP3
  • Von­negut, Kurt — The Big Trip Up Yon­der — Free MP3
  • Von­negut, Kurt - Slaugh­ter­house 5, Cat’s Cra­dle, Break­fast of Cham­pi­ons, Wel­come to the Mon­key House (Abridged read­ings by Von­negut) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Von­negut, Kurt — “The Drone” — Free Stream
  • Von­negut, Kurt — The Sol­dier’s Sto­ry (as a radio opera) — Free Stream
  • Wal­lace, David Fos­ter - “Good Peo­ple” — Free Stream
  • Wal­lace, David Fos­ter - “The View from Mrs. Thomp­son’s” (read by DFW) — Free MP3
  • Waugh, Eve­lyn — Brideshead Revis­it, Abridged (read by Sir John Giel­gud) —  Stream
  • Welles, Orson — “The Shad­ow” radio dra­ma (Per­formed by Welles) — Free MP3
  • Wells, HG — The Invis­i­ble Man — Free Stream
  • Wells, HG — Mag­ic Shop — Free Stream
  • Wells, HG — Time Machine (nar­rat­ed by Kelsey Gram­mer) — Free iTunes
  • Wells, HG — Time Machine — Free iTunesFree Stream
  • Wells, HG — Time Machine (dra­ma­tized ver­sion) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Wells, HG — The War of the Worlds — Free MP3/Stream
  • Wells, HG — The War of the Worlds (Famous 1938 radio adap­ta­tion by Orson Welles) — Stream
  • Wells, HG — The War of the Worlds (Read by Maxwell Caulfield) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Wel­ty, Eudo­ra — “The Wide Net” (read by the author) — YouTube — Cor­nell Web Site
  • Wel­ty, Eudo­ra - “Where Is the Voice Com­ing From?” (read by Joyce Car­ol Oates) — MP3
  • Wel­ty, Eudo­ra — “Why I Live at the P.O.” (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Whar­ton, Edith — The Age of Inno­cence — Free MP3/Stream
  • Whar­ton, Edith — The Ful­ness of Life — Free MP3
  • Wilde, Oscar — The Hap­py Prince — Free MP3
    • Ver­sion read by Stephen Fry — YouTube
    • Ver­sion read by Orson Welles and Bing Cros­by — YouTube
  • Wilde, Oscar — The Impor­tance of Being Earnest (Per­formed by John Giel­gud) — Free
  • Wilde, Oscar — The Impor­tance of Being Earnest — Free MP3
  • Wilde, Oscar — The Pic­ture of Dori­an Gray — Free MP3s
  • Wolff, Tobias — “Bul­let in the Brain” (read by T. Cor­aghes­san Boyle) (MP3)
  • Wolff, Tobias — “The Night in Ques­tion” (read by Akhil Shar­ma) (MP3)
  • Woolf, Vir­ginia — “A Haunt­ed House” — Free MP3
  • Woolf, Vir­ginia, — Jacob’s Room — MP3 Zip File — Free Stream
  • Woolf, Vir­ginia — The Voy­age Out — Free Stream
  • Woolf, Vir­ginia — The Short Sto­ries — Spo­ti­fy
  • Wyss, Johann David - The Swiss Fam­i­ly Robin­son — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Angelou, Maya — On the Pulse of Morn­ing (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Angelou, Maya — Phe­nom­e­nal Woman — YouTube
  • Angelou, Maya — Still I Rise & On the Pulse of the Morn­ing (read by author) — YouTube
  • Anony­mous — Beowulf — Free iTunes — Free MP3s — Read­ing by Sea­mus Heaney
  • Apol­li­naire, Guil­laume – Le pont Mirabeau (Read by author in 1913) — Free MP3
  • Apol­li­naire, Guil­laume — Marie (Read by author in 1913) — Free MP3
  • Apol­li­naire, Guil­laume — Le Voyageur (Read by author in 1913) — Free MP3
  • Aragon, Louis — Elsa (read by author) — Free Stream
  • Arnold, Matthew — The Poet­ry of Matthew Arnold — Free Stream on Spo­ti­fy
  • Arnold, Matthew - Dover Beach — Free Stream/Download
  • Ash­bery, John — Every­man — Free MP3
  • Ash­bery, John — “Med­i­ta­tions of a Par­rot,” “The Painter” and “The Pic­ture of Lit­tle J.A. in a Prospect of Flow­ers” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Ash­bery, John — Self-Por­­trait in a Con­vex Mir­ror — YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. — 1st Sep­tem­ber, 1939; As I Walked Out One Evening; “Song of the Mas­ter and Boatswain,” (read by Dylan Thomas) — YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. — 1st Sep­tem­ber, 1939 — YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. - As I Walked Out One Evening (read by Auden) — YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. - Autumn Song — Free MP3
  • Auden, W.H. — Bucol­ics and Horae Conon­i­cae (read by Auden) — Free Stream/Download
  • Auden, W.H. — Dog­ger­el by a Senior Cit­i­zen (read by Auden) — YouTube
  • Auden, W. H. — In Mem­o­ry of WB Yeats — YouTube
  • Auden, W.H. — Met­a­logue to The Mag­ic Flute (read by Auden — Free Stream/Download
  • Auden, W.H. — The Sea and The Mir­ror (read by the author) — Free Stream/Download
  • Baude­laire, Charles — Les fleurs du mal (in French) — Free Stream
  • Beck­ett, Samuel — Tail­piece and 23rd Adden­da (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Beef­heart, Cap­tain — Fallin Ditch, Skele­ton Makes Good & More (read by the author) —  YouTube
  • Blake, William — A Lit­tle Boy Lost — Free MP3
  • Blake, William — Jerusalem — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Blake, William — Laugh­ing Song — Free MP3
  • Blake, William — Lon­don — Free MP3
  • Blake, William — Pref­ace to Mil­ton — Free MP3
  • Blake, William — Pip­ing Down Val­leys Wild — Free MP3
  • Blake, William - Songs of Inno­cence and Songs of Expe­ri­ence, as read by Allen Gins­berg — Free Stream/MP3
  • Blake, William — The Chim­ney Sweep­er — Free MP3
  • Blake, William — The School Boy — Free MP3
  • Blake, William — Visions of the Daugh­ters of Albion — Free MP3
  • Borges, Jorge Luis — Art of Poetry/Arte Poétic — Free MP3
  • Borges, Jorge Luis — Borges Reads 30 of His Poems in Span­ish — Spo­ti­fy
  • Borges, Jorge Luis - Plain­ness — Free Stream
  • Brad­bury, Ray — If Only We Had Taller Been (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Bronte, Emi­ly — Antic­i­pa­tion — Free MP3
  • Bronte, Emi­ly — Encour­age­ment — Free MP3
  • Bronte, Emi­ly — Poems — Free MP3
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — 4 Hours of Bukows­ki Read­ings — Spo­ti­fy
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — At Ter­ror Street and Agony Way — Free Audio
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — Beer — Ani­mat­ed Video
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — Blue­bird — YouTube Audio
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — Girl on the Esca­la­tor — Vimeo
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — Hostage — Spo­ti­fy
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — Mas­ter Col­lec­tion — Spo­ti­fy
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — Some­thing For The Touts, The Nuns, The Gro­cery Clerks, And You — YouTube Audio
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — The Laugh­ing Heart (read by Tom Waits) — YouTube Audio
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — The Crunch and Roll The Dice (read by Bono) — YouTube Audio
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — The Secret to My Endurance (read by Bukows­ki) — YouTube Audio
  • Bukows­ki, Charles — Blue­bird and Torched Out (read by Har­ry Dean Stan­ton) — YouTube Video
  • Bur­ton, Tim — The Night­mare Before Christ­mas (read by Christo­pher Lee) — YouTube Video
  • Byron - Childe Harold: Can­to III — Free MP3
  • Byron — Dark­ness — Free MP3
  • Byron — New­ton — Free MP3
  • Byron — She Walks in Beau­ty — Free MP3
  • Cage, John — Over­pop­u­la­tion and Art — Free Stream
  • Car­roll, Jim — Pray­ing Man­tis — Spo­ti­fy
  • Car­roll, Lewis — Jab­ber­wocky (read by Neil Gaiman) — YouTube
  • Car­roll, LewisYoutube Ani­mat­ed Video
  • Car­roll, Lewis — The Poet­ry of Lewis Car­roll — Spo­ti­fy
  • Carv­er, Ray­mond — Late Frag­ment — Free Stream
  • Cavafy, C.P. - Itha­ca (read by Sean Con­nery) — YouTube
  • Cia­r­di, John — As If: Poems New and Select­ed by John Cia­r­di (read by the author) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Cocteau, Jean — Requiem (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Cohen, Leonard — “For E.J.P” and “You Have the Lovers” (read by Cohen) — Free Stream/Download
  • Coleridge, Samuel — Kubla Khan — Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel — Kubla Khan (read by Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch) — YouTube
  • Coleridge, Samuel — Rime of the Ancient Mariner — Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel - The Dun­geon — Free MP3
  • Coleridge, Samuel — Poems (Read by Ralph Richard­son) — Free Spo­ti­fy
  • Collins, Bil­ly — The Best Cig­a­rette (Poet­ry col­lec­tion read by the author) — Free Spo­ti­fy
  • Collins, Bil­ly — Soap — Spo­ti­fy
  • Crane, Hart — “The Bro­ken Tow­er” and “The Hur­ri­cane” (read by Ten­nessee Williams) — Vimeo
  • Crow­ley, Aleis­ter — Poems by Aleis­ter Crow­ley (read by Aleis­ter Crow­ley) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Cum­mings, EE - Some­where I Have Nev­er Trav­elled — (read by author) — YouTube
  • Cum­mings, EE - Any­one Lived in a Pret­ty How Town — (read by author) — YouTube
  • Dante — Infer­no (read by John Cia­r­di) — Spo­ti­fy
  • De Troyes, Chre­tien — Lancelot, or The Knight of the Cart– Stream
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — An 8 Hour Read­ing of Emi­ly Dick­in­son Poet­­ry- YouTube
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — The Poems of Emi­ly Dick­in­son, Series 1 — Free iTunes — Free MP3
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — The Poems of Emi­ly Dick­in­son, Series 2 — Free MP3
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — Poems & Let­ters — Spo­ti­fy
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — Because I Could Not Stop for Death — Free MP3
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — Hope Is the Thing With Feath­ers — Free MP3
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — ‘I Start­ed Early–Took My Dog’ — YouTube
  • Dick­in­son, Emi­ly — There’s a cer­tain Slant of light” — Free Stream
  • Donne, John — Death, Be Not Proud — Free Stream/MP3
  • Donne, John — The Good-mor­row — Free Stream/MP3
  • Donne, John — The Sunne Ris­ing — Free MP3
  • Ehrmann, Max — Desider­a­ta (Read by Leonard Nimoy) — YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. — Four Quar­tets (Read by T.S. Eliot) — YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. — Four Quar­tets (Read by Alec Guin­ness) — YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. — Jour­ney of the Magi(Read by T.S. Eliot) — YouTube
  • Eliot, T.S. — Old Pos­sum’s Book of Prac­ti­cal Cats (Read by T.S. Eliot) — Spo­ti­fy playlist
  • Eliot, T.S. — The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
  • Eliot, T.S. — The Waste Land — Free MP3
    • Lis­ten to read­ing by TS Eliot — YouTube 
    • Hear read­ing by Jere­my Irons and Eileen Atkins — Stream
  • Eliot, T.S. — T.S. Eliot Read­ing Poems and Cho­rus­es — Spo­ti­fy
  • Fer­linghet­ti, Lawrence - A Coney Island of the Mind — Spo­ti­fy
  • Fer­linghet­ti, Lawrence — Selec­tions from A Coney Island of the Mind (read by author) — Free MP3 — Free Stream
  • Fer­linghet­ti, Lawrence — Base­ball Can­to — Free MP3/Stream
  • Fer­linghet­ti, Lawrence — Evil — Free MP3/Stream
  • Fer­linghet­ti, Lawrence — ‘The First and the Last of Every­thing’ (read by author) — Free Stream
  • Fer­linghet­ti, Lawrence — “Under­wear” (read by author) — YouTube
  • Fer­linghet­ti, Lawrence - Wil­fred Funk (read by author) — Free MP3/Stream
  • Frost, Robert — A Line Storm Song — Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert — My But­ter­fly — Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert — Octo­ber — Free MP3
  • Frost, Robert — Stop­ping by Woods on a Snowy Evening (read by author) — YouTube
  • Frost, Robert — The Gift Out­right (read by author) — YouTube
  • Frost, Robert — “The Road Not Tak­en,” “The Pas­ture,” “Mow­ing,” “Birch­es,” “After Apple-Pick­­ing,” and “The Tuft of Flow­ers” (read by the author)  — Free Stream
  • Frost, Robert — Robert Frost Reads His Poet­ry — Free Spo­ti­fy
  • Gaiman, Neil — The Mush­room Hunters (read by Aman­da Palmer) — Sound­cloud
  • Gins­berg, Allen — A Super­mar­ket in Cal­i­for­nia (read by Gins­berg) — Free MP3
  • Gins­berg, Allen — Amer­i­ca (read by Gins­berg) — Free YouTube Stream
  • Gins­berg, Allen — First Blues: Rags, Bal­lads and Har­mo­ni­um Songs — Spo­ti­fy
  • Gins­berg, Allen - Howl, A Strange New Cot­tage in Berke­ley, and Super­mar­ket in Cal­i­for­nia (read by Gins­berg) — Free MP3/Stream
  • Gins­berg, Allen — Howl (read by Gins­berg, 1959) — YouTube
  • Gins­berg, Allen — Howl (first record­ed read­ing of Howl by Gins­berg, 1956) — Free Stream
  • Gins­berg, Allen — Howl (read by James Fran­co) — YouTube
  • Gins­berg, Allen — Kad­dish and oth­er works (read by Gins­berg) — Free Stream
  • Gins­berg , Allen — Mind Breaths (read by Gins­berg) — Free Stream/Download
  • Gins­berg, Allen — Sun­flower Sutra  (read by Gins­berg) — Free MP3
  • Gins­berg, Allen — The Last Word on First Blues — Spo­ti­fy
  • Gins­berg, Allen — The Lion for Real (read by Gins­berg) — Free on Spo­ti­fy
  • Gins­berg, Allen — “The Shroud­ed Stranger Of The Night,” “Sweet Levin­sky,” and “Stan­zas: Writ­ten at Night in Radio City.” — Free Stream/Download
  • Gins­berg, Allen — “What would you do if you lost it?” (read by Gins­berg) — Free Stream/Download
  • Gins­berg, Allen - Witchi­ta Vor­tex Sutra — Spo­ti­fy
  • Giorno, John — The Death of William Bur­roughs — Free Stream
  • Hardy, Thomas — Poems (read by Richard Bur­ton) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Hem­ing­way, Ernest — Sec­ond Poem to Mary (read by Hem­ing­way) — Free YouTube
  • Hen­ley, Ernest — Invic­tus — Free YouTube
  • Hitch­cock, Robyn — “If Death is Not the End” (Read by Alan Rick­man) — Free Stream
  • Homer, The Odyssey — Free Stream/MP3 Down­load — Free iTunes
  • Hugh­es, Langston — Langston Hugh­es Reads Langston Hugh­es — Spo­ti­fy
  • Hugh­es, Langston - The Dream Keep­er and Oth­er Poems of Langston Hugh­es (read by Hugh­es) — Spo­ti­fy
  • Hugh­es, Langston - The Glo­ry of Negro His­to­ry — Spo­ti­fy
  • The Negro Speaks of Rivers (ready by Hugh­es) — YouTube
  • Hugh­es, Langston — The Voice of Langston Hugh­es — Spo­ti­fy
  • Hugh­es, Ted — Sylvia Plath, Ted Hugh­es & Peter Porter Read Their Poet­ry — Spo­ti­fy
  • Keats, John – To Autumn — Free MP3
  • Keats, John – Ode on a Gre­cian Urn — Free MP3
  • Keats, John – Ode to a Nightin­gale (as recit­ed loose­ly by F. Scott Fitzger­ald) — YouTube
  • Keats, John — Ode to a Nightin­gale (as read by Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch) — YouTube
  • Keats, John – On First Look­ing into Chapman’s Homer — YouTube
  • Keats, John – When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be — Free MP3
  • Ker­ouac, Jack — 4 Albums with Ker­ouac Recit­ing Poet­ry & Verse — Spo­ti­fy
  • Kipling, Rud­yard — If (read by Den­nis Hop­per) — YouTube
  • Kipling, Rud­yard – If (read by Michael Caine) — YouTube
  • Kipling, Rud­yard – My Boy Jack (read by Ralph Fiennes) — YouTube
  • Kipling, Rud­yard – The Gods of the Copy­book Head­ings — Free MP3
  • Kipling, Rud­yard – The Way Through the Woods — Free MP3
  • Lev­er­tov, Denise — City Psalm, Open Secret, Love Song, The Ache of Mar­riage, To the Muse, The Cer­tain­ty (read by the author) — Sound­Cloud
  • Levine, PhilipThe Feed They Lion (read by Philip Levine) — YouTube
  • Lor­ca, Fed­eri­co Gar­cia (Read by Pat­ti Smith) — YouTube
  • Longfel­low, Hen­ry Wadsworth — Select­ed Works — Free MP3
  • McCrae, John — “In Flan­ders Fields” (read by Leonard Cohen) — YouTube
  • Melville, Her­man – Ball’s Bluff — Free Stream
  • Mer­win, W.S. — After a Storm (read by author) — Free Stream/Download
  • Mer­win, W.S. — Berry­man (read by Jan­na Levin — Free Stream
  • Mil­ton, John – On His Blind­ness — Free MP3
  • Mul­ti­ple Authors — 19 Cen­tu­ry French Poet­ry, Read in French by Paul Mankin — Spo­ti­fy
  • Mul­ti­ple Authors — 20th Cen­tu­ry French Poet­ry, Nar­rat­ed by Paul Mankin — Spo­ti­fy
  • Mul­ti­ple Authors — French African Poet­ry, Read in French by Paul Mankin — Spo­ti­fy
  • Nabokov, Vladimir — The Uni­ver­si­ty Town (read by Ralph Fiennes) — Free Stream
  • Nash, Ogden — Christ­mas with Ogden Nash — Spo­ti­fy
  • Nash, Ogden — Ogden Nash Read Ogden Nash — Spo­ti­fy
  • Neru­da, Pablo — First Poet­ry Read­ing in the US (1966) — Free Stream
  • Neru­da, Pablo — First Poet­ry Read­ing in Eng­lish (1971) — Free Stream
  • Neru­da, Pablo — Birth (Read by Neru­da) — Free Stream
  • Neru­da, Pablo — Keep­ing Qui­et (Read by Sylvia Boorstein) — Free Stream
  • Neru­da, Pablo — Pablo Neru­da Lee a Pablo Neru­da — Spo­ti­fy
  • O’Hara, Frank — Ani­mals (read by Zadie Smith) — Free Stream
  • Oliv­er, Mary — “The Sum­mer Day,” “Lit­tle Dog’s Rhap­sody in the Night,” “Many Miles” and “Night and the Riv­er” (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia — Sylvia Plath read­ing her poet­ry (23 poems read by the author) — YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia — Ariel (read by author) — YouTube Stream
  • Plath, Sylvia — A Birth­day Present (read by the author) — Free MP3/Stream
  • Plath, Sylvia — Dad­dy (read by author) — YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia — Fever 103 (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia — Lady Lazarus (read by author) — YouTube
  • Plath, Sylvia — Morn­ing Song (read by Meryl Streep) — Sound­Could
  • Plath, Sylvia — Spin­ster — Sound­cloud
  • Plath, Sylvia — The Appli­cant (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan – Annabel Lee — Free MP3
  • Poe, Edgar Allan – The Raven (read by Christo­pher Walken) — YouTube
  • Poe, Edgar Allan — The Raven — Free MP3
  • Pope, Alexan­der - Nature and Art — Free Stream
  • Pope, Alexan­der – The Qui­et Life — Free Stream
  • Pound, Ezra - Can­ti­co del sole — Free MP3 [text]
  • Pound, Ezra - Can­to XVII (“So that the vine burst from my fin­gers’) — Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra - Can­to XXX — Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra — Can­to XLV — Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra — Can­to LVI — Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra — Homage to Sex­tus Prop­er­tius, Sec­tion VI (read by author) — Free MP3
  • Pound, Ezra — Ses­ti­na: Altaforte (read by author) — YouTube
  • Pound, Ezra — The Sea­far­er  (read by author) — Free MP3
  • Rexroth, Ken­neth — “One Hun­dred Poems from the Chi­nese” and “In Defense of the Earth” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Rich, Adri­enne — Mourn­ing Poem, Spring Thun­der, White Night and oth­er poems (read by author) — Free Stream/Download
  • Rich, Adri­enne - “Plan­e­tar­i­um” (read by astro­physi­cist Jan­na Levin) — Sound­cloud
  • Rich, Adri­enne - “Pow­er” (read by astro­physi­cist Roseanne Cash) — Sound­cloud
  • Rich, Adri­enne — What Kind of Times Are These? (read by the author) — Sound­cloud
  • Rim­baud, Arthur – Illu­mi­na­tions — Free MP3 Zip File
  • Rumi — Poems read by  Til­da Swin­ton, Madon­na, Robert Bly & Cole­man Barks — YouTube/Soundcloud
  • Sand­burg, Carl — A Lin­coln Album: Read­ings by Carl Sand­burg — Spo­ti­fy
  • Sand­burg, Carl - Chica­go — Free Stream
  • Sand­burg, Carl - The Peo­ple Yes — Spo­ti­fy
  • Sas­soon, Siegfried — After­math (Read by Jere­my Irons) — YouTube
  • Sex­ton, Anne — Wait­ing to Die (read by author) — YouTube
  • Sex­ton, Anne — “Her Kind,” “The Ambi­tion Bird,” “Ring­ing the Bells,” “Music Swims Back to Me,” and “The Truth the Dead Know” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Sex­ton, Anne — “With Mer­cy for the Greedy,” “The Star­ry Night,” “Let­ter Writ­ten on a Fer­ry While Cross­ing Long Island Sound,” and “Self in 1958,” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Sex­ton, Anne — Divorce, Thy Name is Woman,” “Gods Mak­ing a Liv­ing,” “Jesus Cooks,” “Jesus Walk­ing,” and “The Fury of Over­shoes” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Sex­ton, Anne — “Row­ing,” “Rid­ing the Ele­va­tor Into the Sky,” “The Play,” “The Row­ing Endeth,” “Us,” and “The Touch” (read by the author) — Free Stream
  • Sex­ton, Anne — What’s That — Spo­ti­fy
  • Schiller, Friedrich — Poet­ry of Friedrich von Schiller: Read in Ger­man by Kin­s­ki — Spo­ti­fy
  • Shake­speare, William – Shakespeare’s Son­nets — Free MP3s
  • Shel­ley, Per­cy Bysshe – Adon­ais — Free MP3
  • Shel­ley, Per­cy Bysshe – Ozy­man­dias of Egypt — Free MP3
  • Shel­ley, Per­cy Bysshe – Ozy­man­dias (read by Bryan Cranston) — Free YouTube
  • Shel­ley, Per­cy Bysshe — Var­i­ous Poems (read by Vin­cent Price) — Free Spo­ti­fy
  • Smith, Pat­ti — Read­ing at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty of Poet­ry That Would Become Hors­es (1975) — YouTube
  • Smith, Pat­ti — Read­ing of 12 Poems From “Sev­enth Heav­en” (1972) — YouTube
  • Stein, Gertrude — A Valen­tine to Sher­wood Ander­son (read by Gertrude Stein) — Free MP3
  • Stevens, Wal­lace — “Cre­dences of Sum­mer” and “An Ordi­nary Evening in New Haven” (read by the author) — Free Stream/Download
  • Stevens, Wal­lace — “The Idea of Order at Key West,” “The Poem that Took the Place of a Moun­tain,” and “Vacan­cy in the Park” (read by the author) — .au for­mat - .gsm for­mat -.ra for­mat
  • Szym­bors­ka, Wisława — Life While-You-Wait (Read by Aman­da Palmer) — Sound­cloud
  • Ten­nyson, Alfred Lord – Break, Break, Break — Free MP3
  • Ten­nyson, Alfred Lord – The Charge of the Light Brigade — YouTube
  • Ten­nyson, Alfred Lord – The Lotos-Eaters — Free MP3
  • Thomas, Dylan — Dylan Thomas Reads 8 Hours of His Poet­ry — Spo­ti­fy
  • Thomas, Dylan — Three Poems Read by W.H. Auden — Free
  • Thomas, Dylan - An Evening with Dylan Thomas — Spo­ti­fy
  • Thomas, Dylan — Richard Bur­ton Reads 15 Poems by Dylan Thomas — Spo­ti­fy
  • Thomas, Dylan — Bal­lad of the Long-Legged Bait’ and 14 Oth­er Poems (read by Richard Bur­ton) — YouTube
  • Thomas, Dylan — Do Not Go Gen­tle Into That Good Night (read by the author) — Free MP3/Stream
  • Thomas, Dylan — Do Not Go Gen­tle Into That Good Night (read by the Sir Antho­ny Hop­kins) — Free YouTube
  • Thomas, Dylan — The Wild West (read by the author) — Free MP3/Stream
  • Thomas, Dylan — Under Milk Wood (read by the author) — Part 1Part 2
  • Updike, John – Rain­bow (read by author) — Free Stream
  • Valéry, Paul — “Frag­ment Du Nar­cisse” (read by author) — Free Stream
  • Vir­gil – Aeneid — Free MP3 Zip Down­load
  • Whit­man, Walt – O Cap­tain! My Cap­tain! — Free MP3
  • Whit­man, Walt – Leaves of Grass — Free MP3 Zip File — Free Stream
  • Whit­man, Walt – Song of Myself and Oth­er Poems — Free Stream/MP3
  • Whit­man, Walt — Song of Myself (read by James Earl Jones) — Free Stream/Download
  • Whit­man, Walt — Song of Myself (read by James Earl Jones) — Free Stream
  • Whit­man, Walt — Song of Myself (read by Orson Welles) — Free Stream
  • Whit­man, Walt — Song of Myself (read by Eric Forsythe/U. of Iowa) — Free Stream
  • Wilbur, Richard — A Storm in April, The Ride, Shad-Time, Advice From the Muse and Oth­er Poems (read by author) — Free Stream/Download
  • Wilde, Oscar – The Bal­lad of Read­ing Gaol — Free MP3/Stream
  • Williams, Ten­nessee — Select­ed Poems — Free Stream/Download
  • Williams, Willam Car­los — Select­ed Poems (read by poet 1954 ) — Free MP3
  • Williams, William Car­los — 39 Poems Read for The Library of Con­gress Record­ing Lab­o­ra­to­ry. May 5, 1945 — Free MP3
  • Williams, William Car­los — The Red Wheel­bar­row, Tract, The Defec­tive Record, To a Poor Old Woman, A Coro­nal, To Elsie, The Wind Increas­es, Clas­sic Scene (read by poet 1954) — Free
  • Wordsworth, William - Daf­fodils (Read by Jere­my Irons) — YouTube
  • Wordsworth, William — The Last of the Flock — Free MP3
  • Wordsworth, William – Soli­tary Reaper — Free MP3
  • Wordsworth, William — Tin­tern Abbey — Free MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler - William But­ler Reads His Own Work — Spo­ti­fy
  • Yeats, William But­ler — The Lake Isle of Inn­is­free, The Fid­dler of Dooney, The Song of the Old Moth­er, Coole and Bal­lylee (read by the author) — YouTube
  • Yeats, William But­ler – Aedh Wish­es for the Cloths of Heav­en — Free MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler – Byzan­tium — Real Media
  • Yeats, William But­ler – Lake Isle of Innes­free (read by the author) — Free MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler – Lake Isle of Innes­free (read by Antho­ny Hop­kins) — YouTube
  • Yeats, William But­ler — Sail­ing to Byzan­tium — Free MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler – The Cold Heav­en — Free Stream/MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler — The Fid­dler of Dooney (read by the author) — Free MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler — The Song of the Old Moth­er (read by the author) — Free MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler — To my Heart, bid­ding it have no Fear (read by Richard Dawkins) — YouTube
  • Yeats, William But­ler — When You Are Old — Free MP3
  • Yeats, William But­ler — When You Are Old (Read by Col­in Far­rell) — YouTube

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