Texts appearing in our collection of Free eBooks can be accessed in several ways. Please read over the instructions below, and you will quickly know which format best suits your needs.
Read Online: Google Books has been making a select number of books available in a mobile format. You can access these books on a computer or smart phone (eg iPhone or Android phone) simply by clicking on the “Read Online” links in our Free eBook collection. Note that Google makes apps for many devices (Android, iPhone, iPad, Sony, Nook). You can download them here.
Download: Project Gutenberg lets you download each ebook in multiple formats, including the Kindle format and the universal ePub standard. Once you download the appropriate file, you can manually upload the files to your Nook, Kindle, Sony EReader, iPad, and Android readers. Gutenberg provides tutorials here. In one of our previous posts we also explain how to upload files specifically to your Kindle.
Kindle: Finally, when possible, we have provided links to Amazon’s Kindle store. When you click these links, you can download a free text over the air, just like you would buy any other text from the Amazon store.