eBook Primer

Texts appear­ing in our col­lec­tion of Free eBooks can be accessed in sev­er­al ways. Please read over the instruc­tions below, and you will quick­ly know which for­mat best suits your needs.

Read Online: Google Books has been mak­ing a select num­ber of books avail­able in a mobile for­mat. You can access these books on a com­put­er or smart phone (eg iPhone or Android phone) sim­ply by click­ing on the “Read Online” links in our Free eBook col­lec­tion. Note that Google makes apps for many devices (Android, iPhone, iPad, Sony, Nook). You can down­load them here.

Down­load: Project Guten­berg lets you down­load each ebook in mul­ti­ple for­mats, includ­ing the Kin­dle for­mat and the uni­ver­sal ePub stan­dard. Once you down­load the appro­pri­ate file, you can man­u­al­ly upload the files to your Nook, Kin­dle, Sony ERead­er, iPad, and Android read­ers. Guten­berg pro­vides tuto­ri­als here. In one of our pre­vi­ous posts we also explain how to upload files specif­i­cal­ly to your Kin­dle.

Kin­dle: Final­ly, when pos­si­ble, we have pro­vid­ed links to Ama­zon’s Kin­dle store. When you click these links, you can down­load a free text over the air, just like you would buy any oth­er text from the Ama­zon store.
