OrigÂiÂnalÂly preÂsentÂed at HarÂvard UniÂverÂsiÂty’s ExtenÂsion School by proÂfesÂsor Peter K. Bol, this course–entitled “ChiÂna: TraÂdiÂtions and Transformations”–covers the folÂlowÂing mateÂrÂiÂal:
ModÂern ChiÂna presents a dual image: a sociÂety transÂformÂing itself through ecoÂnomÂic develÂopÂment and social revÂoÂluÂtion; and the world’s largest and oldÂest bureauÂcratÂic state, copÂing with longÂstandÂing probÂlems of ecoÂnomÂic and politÂiÂcal manÂageÂment. Both images bear the indeliÂble imprint of China’s hisÂtorÂiÂcal expeÂriÂence, of its patÂterns of phiÂlosÂoÂphy and reliÂgion, and of its social and politÂiÂcal thought. These themes are disÂcussed in order to underÂstand ChiÂna in the modÂern world and as a great world civÂiÂlizaÂtion that develÂoped along lines difÂferÂent from those of the MediterÂranean.
You can find the lecÂtures in varÂiÂous media forÂmats on this archived page.
ChiÂna: TraÂdiÂtions and TransÂforÂmaÂtions will be added to our colÂlecÂtion of Free Online HisÂtoÂry coursÂes, a subÂset of our colÂlecÂtion, 1,700 Free Online CoursÂes from Top UniÂverÂsiÂties.
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