A Farewell To Arms: A Vintage Radio Drama (1948)

NBC Uni­ver­si­ty The­atre took to the radio air­waves from 1948 to 1950 and fea­tured adap­ta­tions of clas­sic nov­els. Incor­po­rat­ed into col­lege home-study cours­es (for exam­ple at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Louisville and Wash­ing­ton State Col­lege), the radio show adapt­ed such clas­sics as Don Quixote, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and Great Expec­ta­tions. Above you can hear a dra­ma­tized ver­sion of Ernest Hem­ing­way’s 1929 nov­el, A Farewell to Arms.

This record­ing will be added to our col­lec­tion, 1,000 Free Audio Books: Down­load Great Books for Free. You can learn more about NBC Uni­ver­si­ty The­atre and hear more audio plays via this post in our archive:

NBC Uni­ver­si­ty The­ater Adapts Great Nov­els to Radio & Gives Lis­ten­ers Col­lege Cred­it : Hear 110 Episodes from a 1940s eLearn­ing Exper­i­ment

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