Quarantined Italians Send a Message to Themselves 10 Days Ago: What They Wish They Knew Then

Coun­tries like the US, Eng­land, France, Spain and Ger­many are about 9–10 days behind in the COVID-19 pro­gres­sion. For our ben­e­fit, the video chan­nel called “A THING BY” asked Ital­ians to record a mes­sage they wish had heard 10 days pri­or. Let’s take care­ful note of what they have to say.

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Why You Should Read The Plague, the Albert Camus Nov­el the Coro­n­avirus Has Made a Best­seller Again

Free Cours­es on the Coro­n­avirus: What You Need to Know About the Emerg­ing Pan­dem­ic

Bill Gates Describes His Biggest Fear: “I Rate the Chance of a Wide­spread Epi­dem­ic Far Worse Than Ebo­la at Well Over 50 Per­cent” (2015)

Span­ish Flu: A Warn­ing from His­to­ry


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Comments (72)
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  • Jui says:

    I wish there was a tran­script to make this con­tent acces­si­ble to those who can’t watch video!

  • T says:

    France had infec­tions before Italy.… How are they 9–10 days behind?

  • Simone Spanu says:

    They did­n’t admit to hav­ing them. The French actu­al­ly stat­ed that they took care of the prob­lem, which is why they are not in Italy’s shoes. Well, they were a bit hasty in pro­claim­ing that. I am from Italy and adore France, by the way.

  • Stacey says:

    Thank you!

  • Vicky says:

    Whoa! Slow that video down!

  • Christella says:

    Thank you so much

  • Robin says:

    Agree. It’s way to fast.

  • Cristina says:

    Eng­lish titles are way too fast! What I could read was hope­ful.

  • Heidi Bendetson says:

    How can I share this?
    Heal­ing thoughts to Italy and the world.

  • Robert says:

    I think I know you…do you do jiu jit­su?

  • Cheryl says:

    The print was too small. Too fast as well.

  • sue kenn says:

    i know its not a joke. I hope this too shall pass

  • Penny says:



  • Mary says:

    Mille gra­zie!

  • qdp says:

    per­cep­tion mat­ters. relax, its bad flu. once con­tained, nor­mal­cy shall return.

  • Jofran Arias says:

    One thing i would like to say is that i hope to see an improve in Italy, USA,China and all of those coun­tries and cities that has been infect­ed that as soon as pos­si­ble they find that cure. Also i want every­one read­ing this com­ment to keep your self clean, secured and most impor­tant try to wash your hand as soon as you have a change to keep your self clean and with­out any bac­te­ria.

    Une chose que je voudrais dire, c’est que j’e­spère voir une amélio­ra­tion en Ital­ie, aux États-Unis, en Chine et dans tous les pays et villes qui ont été infec­tés et que dès que pos­si­ble, ils trou­veront ce remède. Aus­si, je veux que tout le monde lisant ce com­men­taire garde votre auto pro­pre, sécurisé et surtout essayez de vous laver les mains dès que vous avez un change­ment pour garder votre auto pro­pre et sans aucune bac­térie.

    The sec­ond text is for those that leave in Italy i hope every­one be safe.…

  • Judy Sahm says:


  • Tracy Carnahan says:

    The least you could do is read what a Coro­na virus is. It’s not the flu at all.

  • Max Rockatanski says:

    Annoy­ing click­bait. Theres no arti­cle to read, no Ital­ians in quar­an­tine shar­ing any­thing. I reloaded the page a cou­ple times. It’s not bro­ken theres just as and no arti­cle.

  • Jennifer says:

    Glad to see Wales, Scot­land and North­ern Ire­land are case free!!!!

  • Max Rockatanski says:

    Annoy­ing click­bait. Theres no arti­cle to read, no Ital­ians in quar­an­tine shar­ing any­thing. I reloaded the page a cou­ple times. It’s not bro­ken theres just ads and no arti­cle.

  • Just says:

    Dur­ing the upcom­ing quar­an­tine might I sug­gest that many of you prac­tice your read­ing skills so you can keep up with a sim­ple video 🙄

  • Cindy says:

    Hi guys! I’ve been see­ing the text is going too fast for you guys. So I tran­scribed the words from the video for those who need help, with video time ref­er­ences at rough­ly 30 sec­ond inter­vals. I also split up each per­son­’s quote with a hyphen. Hope it helps. Let’s not lose hope guys. In times like this, we have to be kind to each oth­er and stay pos­i­tive. That’s what will keep us going.

    It is believed that the US, Eng­land, and France are 9–10 days behind Italy in COVID19 pro­gres­sion. We asked peo­ple from all around Italy to record a mes­sage for them­selves of 10 days ago.

    - Hi Anna. Hi Sal­va­tore. Hel­lo Francesca. Hi Vir­gil. Hey Daniele-from-10-days-ago.
    — Are you afraid. Nah… I am you. Don’t wor­ry… I am you in 10 days.
    — I’m speak­ing to you from the future.
    — I know you’re busy but wait a sec­ond.
    — I want­ed to update you on Italy’s lat­est.
    — A huge mess is about to hap­pen.
    — I’m sure you’ve heard about the Coro­n­avirus. And I’m pret­ty sure you’re under­es­ti­mat­ing it.
    — I even used to make fun of peo­ple wear­ing face masks.
    — Stop mak­ing fun of mom for telling you to buy face masks, and go buy them.
    — Up until 10 days ago, I went to meet­ings for work, I’d go to din­ner with friends, to the gym, to the hair­dress­er; the usu­al bor­ing things that have nev­er hurt any­body.
    — But in 10 days, life won’t be like this any­more.
    — The worst case sce­nario? That’s exact­ly what will hap­pen.
    — Yes, cause infec­tions in Italy will con­tin­ue to increase. Prov­ing you this all was­n’t bull***t like you thought.
    — 10 days ago, we had 2000 peo­ple infect­ed. Now we’re at 18,000. We already passed 1000 deaths.
    — And now you’re work­ing dead­ly shifts at the hos­pi­tal.
    — We’re cur­rent­ly in a sur­re­al sit­u­a­tion.
    — Nobody can leave their house unless they have a very seri­ous rea­son.
    — A nice quar­an­tine, the type you only see in movies.
    — A whole nation stuck at home. Did­n’t see that com­ing huh?
    — Hos­pi­tals are lit­er­al­ly blow­ing up. Lots of infec­tions even among young peo­ple.
    — There are cur­rent­ly kids our age, who are intu­bat­ed and in inte­sive care.
    — “It’s just a flu…wait maybe it’s bad…well, I don’t know”. We took it light­ly.
    — We should always be light in spir­it, but not with our ges­tures.
    — If you must go, only do it if indis­pen­si­ble.
    — Cause what you’re risk­ing is not a reg­u­lar “flu”.
    — We’ve seen wor­ri­some videos from France and the U.S. of peo­ple not tak­ing this thing seri­ous­ly.
    ‑This issue is more seri­ous than most of the world believes.
    — This is not unfound­ed pes­simism.
    — What is hap­pen­ing is much worse than you thought it was. You’ll real­ize that even just being able to breathe air in your own house. It’s some­thing you should already be grate­ful for.
    — I know Chi­na is far away. But this virus is faster than you think. So maybe re-think your Sat­ur­day night plans. And who knows? Maybe had you stayed home, then I would­n’t have to be home right now.
    — At first you’ll feel like you’re going insane
    — and you won’t see the end of the tun­nel.
    — You’re not alone. You’ll start see­ing beau­ty and ugli­ness togeth­er.
    — You’ll live moments of uni­ty you would’ve nev­er imag­ined. Like yes­ter­day when we all got out on our bal­conies and the whole neigh­bor­hood start­ed singing. Every­one was singing their own song, but some­how we were all one thing.
    — So start right away doing your part.
    — Tom­ma­so, don’t f**K up.
    — Do not f**k up.
    — Stay at home.
    — It can’t be all that bad.
    — You’re not the only per­son in this world.
    — Stay home.
    — You can rest. Read. Watch movies. TV shows. Play­ing gui­tar. Actually…learn how to play gui­tar, cause right now you suck at it.
    — And relax, cause it will end soon.

    We under­es­ti­mat­ed this. You don’t have to do the same. Stay at home.

  • Lisa Jones says:

    Thank you all xoxo. We are in this togeth­er.
    May God Bless and Pro­tect us All

  • Gerry says:

    Max Rock­atan­s­ki Your an imbe­cile!!!

  • tk says:

    They are not, where did you get that info from … total­ly not true.

  • Jj says:

    Rather die from a virus than sui­cide from being alone at home for two weeks good for y’all who enjoy life

  • Jordan says:

    JJ Jesus Christ. Do you wan­na talk about it? Talk about life? Need to get some things off your chest? I gotchu­u­uu fam

  • karen says:

    either that or don’t eat bats

  • Joan says:

    May God be with us all includ­ing our whole world. This is scary and when you are u6 and alone the fear just grows. Please call your par­ents and grand­par­ents. They will appre­ci­ate it more than ever now. No one wants to be alone and now we have no choice. God bless you all and please call cause you may be the only human they have talked to in over a week. May the Lord have mer­cy on our souls anf help find a solu­tion to this viu­rus. Love one a oth­er and be kind

  • CHRIS LANDER says:

    cool. this was use­ful like 5 days ago when we were all still doing nor­mal life stuff.
    what i wan­na know is how are they deal­ing with now being on lock down.
    how are they going to afford to pay for food and pay their bills and rent if they cant go to work?
    “gov­ern­ment assis­tance” you say. ok cool. what kind? what are the details of that?
    what are peo­ple doing that are broke and were look­ing for a job dur­ing this process? who have no sav­ings account to fall back on?
    thats my fear. not dying from a virus. but being killed by loot­ers when peo­ple cant afford to buy gro­ceries any more and they resort to oth­er means.
    how is the crime rate there? do peo­ple actu­al­ly stay home or do they ven­ture out at night?
    a mil­lion ques­tions, and all this video says is that we should stay home and take it seri­ous­ly.

  • Sue says:

    Could­n’t watch the video😱😥🤐😷

  • William Kelly says:

    This appears to be from The Cen­ter for Dis­ease Con­trol (CDC).

  • Jay says:

    Italy/Milan had a super spread­er through piz­za deliv­ery. Made the pro­gres­sion much faster than nor­mal spread

  • Hawkperson says:

    @chris lan­der — peo­ple in the USA have a hard time under­stand­ing real social care/support. I under­stand why you would have these ques­tions but in Europe there won’t be loot­ing. In France for instance there is already talks of a freeze on pay­ing util­i­ty bills and rent.

  • Susan Schumaker says:

    Thank you for your con­tri­bu­tion. Now ive got to go sing out the win­dow.

  • Irene says:

    Amen! I agree!!

  • Irene says:

    Judy Sahm! I agree that God is send­ing a mes­sage to the World!!

  • Kimberly says:

    I real­ly want­ed to read/listen to this but it was way to fast for me to under­stand, I real­ly hate I had to miss this 💔

  • Mrs Beverly Ruhland says:

    Judy Sahm, I so agree with your com­ment. So much evil in soci­ety & cul­ture today, God isn’t even thought of. Read His Word, believe it & uphold it. It’s time all eyes turn back to Him for His pro­tec­tion & bless­ings.

  • Homealone says:

    Please sup­ply tran­scribed copy.

  • Mark Taylor says:

    Hap­py St Patrick­’s day to you keep th sun to your face th wind to you back
    And a prayer on your tongue as you said through­out th day

  • Bonnie Lawenda says:

    Watch the video!!!

  • Stephanie says:

    This is a time for us to pull togeth­er, whether you “believe” in the virus or not. It is amaz­ing how many UNHAPPY peo­ple will call each oth­er child­ish names, sug­gest things like loot­ing and bogus gov­ern­ment help, and gen­er­al­ly are insert­ing all kinds of?negativity. Even if it were true, what good does it do to men­tion it? Apart from the death and suf­fer­ing, some small good could comee from this- uni­ty and a Unit­ed front to move for­ward for the whole world. Think about it.

  • Tyler says:

    Okay, where’s the mes­sage? There’s noth­ing here.

  • Rosemary schofield says:

    I said to alot peo­ple and they laughed..are they still laughing..read bible ur ans is thier..play dont laugh..u have been warned..remember 1940 whoop­ing cough.here we are..think and pray ..gods not laugh­ing…

  • María carlisle says:

    Thank you for the info.…,. I am a U S cit­i­zen liv­ing in San Jose, Cos­ta Rica.….. i believe we are prob­a­bly 3 weeks out before all hell breaks loose.…… the truth is I do not know what this gov­ern­ment is going to do.…..but I per­son­al­ly feel that the whole world should go on a lock down at the same time, in that way after a month peo­ple who are sick can be helped and the exposed ones can stay in quar­an­tine for anoth­er 14 days and the rest of the peo­ple can go on with their lives.….I do not see any oth­er choice but a world­wide quar­an­tine ..„, hope­ful­ly oth­er peo­ple with the pow­er to decide think the same

  • Christine says:

    I wish Amer­i­cans looked as good as these beau­ti­ful Ital­ians. In ten days we will be mak­ing the same video except we’re all super­sized.

  • Craig says:

    And Chris­tians start act­ing like I told you and show the love and for­give­ness I gave you with the rest of the world. Share the hope we have in Christ and the promise of sins for­giv­en, and eter­nal life in Heav­en.

  • Lenore says:

    Please send me the Ital­ian sto­ry thx

  • Daniel Smith says:

    That was so great. Thank you to Italy. Maybe I’ll vis­it some day. Do you allow cats?

  • Christi bacot says:

    Thank you!

  • Sue says:

    It’s a video.

  • Pamela Dunleavy says:

    To the whole world. I am espe­cial­ly sor­ry for the sick and dying all over the world. I am pray­ing for you. We are all one and I think that is our les­son in this. Be well. Stay home and be grate­ful if you don’t get it. 😞

  • Rita Hughes says:

    So true. God is send­ing a wake up call. The world must love one anoth­er, be kind to each oth­er, help those who need help.Amen

  • David W says:

    Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this will not end soon. We have to grasp that idea.
    There will be anoth­er video mes­sage from 30 days after it start­ed. Telling us sim­i­lar mes­sages.

    Thanks for the words every­one.

  • Anna Nico says:

    This is a time of alt of reflec­tion and world uni­ty — my thoughts are: In due respect to oth­ers beliefs. ‘‘This is my true belief and many oth­ers; God is call­ing us to wake up before it’s too late. To Stop- Look- and lis­ten. He( God ) is talk­ing to us through all this. May we all be in uni­ty with love and com­pasión for each oth­er. Not only now, but when all this pass­es, we con­tin­ue to show love and com­pas­sion no mat­ter what our dif­fer­ences are but learn from each oth­er. We all have our dif­fer­ences , but let’s all seek His Truth. In Jesus Christ I pray. Love and prayers to all. ❤️🙏😊❤️

  • Sara says:

    Grate­ful to be here in Port­land Ore­gon

  • Odin Borson says:

    I did no such thing. Midgard can deal with this itself.

  • KT says:

    You say, “… once .…”
    With that per­cep­tion, please do check back in 30 days from now, and tell us if your per­cep­tion has changed. May God bless you. Sin­cere­ly,

  • Mary neal says:

    How can we all stay home with­out stock­ing up on sup­plies “pan­dem­ic buy­ing” ?????

  • Tim Henriques says:

    For every­one whin­ing about how fast the video was, you do all real­ize you can change the play­back speed and slow it down under set­tings, right?

  • Margaret says:

    Thank you for doing this. We are at the begin­ning in St. Pete. We have no idea.

  • Valerie says:

    I respect your right to believe in the Bible, and God (howeve4 you see him) BUT
    Keep in mind that every­one thinks like you. Please don’t post any com­ments telling any­one to pray and look to God for answers or what­ev­er. Some of us don’t want to be any­where near that.

  • Valerie says:

    That should say “not every­one thinks like you”

  • Mark says:

    You tube has slow motion vari­able speed. Click on three ver­ti­cal dots in upper right hand cor­ner of the video. In the pop up menu choose one of sev­er­al option­al slow motion speeds. Try 75% or 50% first… Don’t for­get to rest your speed when fin­ished or your video speeds will remain in slow motion…

  • Vittoria says:

    I am Ital­ian from USA.. I wish Italy NEVER did busi­ness with the Chi­nese! They took over Italy with all their damn chi­nese restau­rants! makes me sick.

  • Jan says:

    I so appre­ci­ate the effort the Ital­ians went to to fore­warn us. We, as Amer­i­cans, like to argue about every­thing, as the com­ments above ver­i­fy. The point is, fear and con­fu­sion stirs up all kinds of reac­tions. The video is try­ing to direct us towards under­stand­ing the wis­est of healthy choic­es must be made imme­di­ate­ly. It’s called a heads up.…why all the crit­i­cism.

  • JD says:

    That is awe­some tran­scrib­ing that! Thanks. We can do it if we all help each oth­er and do what comes to hand to do!

  • Danielle says:

    There’s a video full of the clips at the top of the page. Maybe it’s just not load­ing cor­rect­ly from your phone or com­put­er

  • Jerry says:

    to my friends in Italy:

    Hang in there and fight. Most of the world, except some heart­less ari­ans, are on you side.

    We love you.

    You will win at the end!

  • Tony Bush says:

    Pre­cise­ly… we can’t get the infor­ma­tion!!!.. y not tran­scribe, for those of us, who only under­stands Eng­lish??????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔… if ,
    In fact, the infor­ma­tion is that salient .

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