A news alert for fans of colÂorÂing books.
You can now take part in the 2018 ediÂtion of #ColÂorÂOurÂColÂlecÂtions–a camÂpaign where museÂums, libraries and othÂer culÂturÂal instiÂtuÂtions make availÂable free colÂorÂing books, letÂting you colÂor artÂwork from their colÂlecÂtions and then share it on TwitÂter and othÂer social media platÂforms. When sharÂing, use the hashÂtag #ColÂorÂOurÂColÂlecÂtions.
Below you can find a colÂlecÂtion of 20 free colÂorÂing books, which you can downÂload, print, and colÂor until you can colÂor no more. Also find a comÂplete list of 150 colÂorÂing books over at this site mainÂtained by The New York AcadÂeÂmy of MedÂiÂcine Library.
To see the free colÂorÂing books offered up in 2016, click here. And 2017, here.
- BrookÂlyn ColÂlecÂtion at BrookÂlyn PubÂlic Library
- CamÂbridge UniÂverÂsiÂty Library ColÂorÂing Book
- Carnegie Hall Archives ColÂorÂing Book
- DigiÂta VatÂiÂcana
- Escuela SupeÂriÂor de Artes de Yucatán ColÂorÂing Book
- EuroÂpeana ColÂorÂing Book
- HarÂvard CenÂter for the HisÂtoÂry of MedÂiÂcine
- Lane MedÂical Library – MedÂical HisÂtoÂry CenÂter, StanÂford MedÂiÂcine ColÂorÂing Book
- NewÂberÂry Library ColÂorÂing Book
- New York AcadÂeÂmy of MedÂiÂcine
- NorthÂwestÂern UniÂverÂsiÂty DisÂtincÂtive ColÂlecÂtions ColÂorÂing Book
- Queens’ ColÂlege Library, CamÂbridge ColÂorÂing Book
- The Bodleian Libraries ColÂorÂing Book (Oxford)
- The British Library
- The BioÂdiÂverÂsiÂty HerÂitage Library
- The New York BotanÂiÂcal GarÂden
- The SmithÂsonÂian
- The UniÂverÂsiÂty of Kansas
- Thomas EdiÂson NationÂal HisÂtorÂiÂcal Park ColÂorÂing Book
- UniÂverÂsiÂty of StrathÂclyde Archives and SpeÂcial ColÂlecÂtions ColÂorÂing Book
The image up top comes from The British Library.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
The First Adult ColÂorÂing Book: See the SubÂverÂsive ExecÂuÂtive ColÂorÂing Book From 1961
DownÂload 15,000+ Free GoldÂen Age Comics from the DigÂiÂtal ComÂic MuseÂum
Dr. Seuss Draws Anti-JapanÂese CarÂtoons DurÂing WWII, Then Atones with HorÂton Hears a Who!
I love to colÂor
I love to colÂor!
Are the colÂorÂing books “PubÂlic Domain”?