In 1955, the UnitÂed States was enterÂing the final stages of McCarthyÂism or the SecÂond Red Scare. DurÂing this low point in AmerÂiÂcan hisÂtoÂry, the US govÂernÂment looked high and low for ComÂmuÂnist spies. EnterÂtainÂers, eduÂcaÂtors, govÂernÂment employÂees and union memÂbers were often viewed with susÂpiÂcion, and many careers and lives were destroyed by the flimÂsiÂest of alleÂgaÂtions. ConÂgress, the FBI, and the US milÂiÂtary, they all fueled the 20th cenÂtuÂry verÂsion of the Salem Witch triÂals, partÂly by encourÂagÂing AmerÂiÂcans to look for ComÂmuÂnists in unsusÂpectÂing places.
In the short Armed Forces InforÂmaÂtion Film above, you can see the dynamÂic at work. Some ComÂmuÂnists were out in the open; howÂevÂer, othÂers “worked more silentÂly.” So how to find those hidÂden comÂmuÂnists?
Not to worÂry, the US milÂiÂtary had that covÂered. In 1955, the U.S. First Army HeadÂquarÂters preÂpared a manÂuÂal called How to Spot a ComÂmuÂnist. LatÂer pubÂlished in popÂuÂlar AmerÂiÂcan magÂaÂzines, the proÂpaÂganÂda piece warned readÂers, “there is no fool-proof sysÂtem in spotÂting a ComÂmuÂnist.” “U.S. ComÂmuÂnists come from all walks of life, proÂfess all faiths, and exerÂcise all trades and proÂfesÂsions. In addiÂtion, the ComÂmuÂnist ParÂty, USA, has made conÂcertÂed efforts to go underÂground for the purÂpose of infilÂtraÂtion.” And yet the pamÂphlet adds, letÂting readÂers breathe a sigh of relief, “there are, forÂtuÂnateÂly, indiÂcaÂtions that may give him away. These indiÂcaÂtions are often subÂtle but always present, for the ComÂmuÂnist, by reaÂson of his “faith” must act and talk along cerÂtain lines.” In short, you’ll know a ComÂmuÂnist not by how he walks, but how he talks. AskÂing citÂiÂzens to become litÂerÂary critÂics for the sake of nationÂal secuÂriÂty, the pubÂliÂcaÂtion told readÂers to watch out for the folÂlowÂing:
While a prefÂerÂence for long senÂtences is comÂmon to most ComÂmuÂnist writÂing, a disÂtinct vocabÂuÂlary proÂvides the more easÂiÂly recÂogÂnized feaÂture of the “ComÂmuÂnist LanÂguage.” Even a superÂfiÂcial readÂing of an artiÂcle writÂten by a ComÂmuÂnist or a conÂverÂsaÂtion with one will probÂaÂbly reveal the use of some of the folÂlowÂing expresÂsions: inteÂgraÂtive thinkÂing, vanÂguard, comÂrade, hooÂteÂnanÂny, chauÂvinÂism, book-burnÂing, synÂcretisÂtic faith, bourÂgeois-nationÂalÂism, jinÂgoÂism, coloÂnialÂism, hooliÂganÂism, rulÂing class, proÂgresÂsive, demÂaÂgogy, dialecÂtiÂcal, witch-hunt, reacÂtionary, exploitaÂtion, oppresÂsive, mateÂriÂalÂist.
This list, selectÂed at ranÂdom, could be extendÂed almost indefÂiÂniteÂly. While all of the above expresÂsions are part of the EngÂlish lanÂguage, their use by ComÂmuÂnists is infiÂniteÂly more freÂquent than by the genÂerÂal pubÂlic…
Rather chillÂingÂly, the pamÂphlet also warned that ComÂmuÂnists revealed themÂselves if and when they talked about “McCarthyÂism,” “vioÂlaÂtion of civÂil rights,” “racial or reliÂgious disÂcrimÂiÂnaÂtion” or “peace.” In othÂer words, they were guilty if they sugÂgestÂed that the govÂernÂment was overÂstepÂping its bounds.
AccordÂing to Corliss LamÂonÂt’s book, FreeÂdom Is As FreeÂdom Does, the First Army withÂdrew the pamÂphlet after MurÂray KempÂton slammed it in The New York Post and The New York Times wrote its own scathing op-ed. In 1955, the press could take those risks. The year before, Joseph Welch had faced up to Joe McCarthy, askÂing with his immorÂtal words, “Have you no sense of decenÂcy, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decenÂcy?
Note: An earÂliÂer verÂsion of this post appeared our site in 2013.
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RelatÂed ConÂtent:
Bertolt Brecht TesÂtiÂfies Before the House Un-AmerÂiÂcan ActivÂiÂties ComÂmitÂtee (1947)
How the CIA SecretÂly FundÂed Abstract ExpresÂsionÂism DurÂing the Cold War
Want to spot a comÂmuÂnist? Go to colÂlege. Want to meet a capÂiÂtalÂist? Meet someÂone who’s escaped comÂmuÂnism.
Or, as the old joke goes:
A conÂserÂvÂaÂtive is a libÂerÂal who has been mugged.
A libÂerÂal is a conÂserÂvÂaÂtive who has been arrestÂed.