EarÂly in his career, Alfred HitchÂcock began makÂing small appearÂances in his own films. The cameos someÂtimes lastÂed just a few brief secÂonds, and someÂtimes a litÂtle while longer. Either way, they became a sigÂnaÂture of HitchÂcockÂ’s filmÂmakÂing, and fans made a sport of seeÂing whether they could spot the eluÂsive direcÂtor. From 1927 to 1976, HitchÂcock made 37 appearÂances in total, and they’re all niceÂly catÂaÂlogued in the clip above. Enjoy!
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RelatÂed ConÂtent
Alfred Hitchcock’s Strict Rules for WatchÂing PsyÂcho in TheÂaters (1960)
Alfred HitchÂcock Recalls WorkÂing with SalÂvador Dali on SpellÂbound
“susÂpence” is spelled “susÂpense”.
“theif” is spelled “thief”.
I stopped after that.
Please proof!
It driÂves some of us crazy.