Watch The Danish Poet, the Oscar-Winning Animated Film Narrated by Ingmar Bergman’s Muse Liv Ullmann

“Liv, you are my Stradi­var­ius,” Ing­mar Bergman once told his muse, Liv Ull­mann, the actress who starred in 12 of the direc­tor’s films, includ­ing Per­sona (1966), The Pas­sion of Anna (1969), Cries and Whis­pers (1972) and Autumn Sonata (1978).

Ull­mann and Bergman’s cin­e­mat­ic lega­cies are inex­tri­ca­bly linked. When you think of one, you think of the oth­er. And yet Ull­mann had an act­ing career before and after Bergman. Above, you can watch The Dan­ish Poet, nar­rat­ed by Ull­mann her­self. Win­ner of the 2007 Oscar for Best Ani­mat­ed Short Film, The Dan­ish Poet fol­lows “Kasper, a poet whose cre­ative well has run dry, on a hol­i­day to Nor­way to meet the famous writer, Sigrid Und­set. As Kasper’s quest for inspi­ra­tion unfolds, it appears that a spell of bad weath­er, an angry dog, slip­pery barn planks, a care­less post­man, hun­gry goats and oth­er seem­ing­ly unre­lat­ed fac­tors might play impor­tant roles in the big scheme of things after all.”

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Relat­ed Con­tent:

Watch the Sur­re­al­ist Glass Har­mon­i­ca, the Only Ani­mat­ed Film Ever Banned by Sovi­et Cen­sors, (1968)

Ing­mar Bergman Names the 11 Films He Liked Above All Oth­ers (1994)

The Mir­rors of Ing­mar Bergman, Nar­rat­ed with the Poet­ry of Sylvia Plath

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Comments (2)
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  • Dag H.R Jacobsen says:

    tHE dAN­ISH pOET IS NOT vail­able

    “Video unavail­able
    This video is not avail­able.”

  • Mary Brown says:

    Loved this! Nov­el and quaint with a slight touch of humor and a whim­si­cal way of view­ing how chance and hap­pen­stance (or are they), may con­spire to bring long-await­ed hap­pi­ness, or deep dis­ap­point­ment and sor­row.

    Nice graph­ics as well were an added touch to the sto­ry line. Some­thing here for kids as well as those still young at heart even at 99!

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